Chapter Twenty One: In The Path of a Star

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A/N: Hi everyone! Welcome to the second to the last chapter of this book. Yes, we're concluding Star's story pretty soon and I'm so excited because this wasn't quite the story I started out with but I'm happy with how it turned out. So I hope you stick around till the next one.

As always, vote and comment! Love to hear what you think!

BTW: Spoiler alert if you haven't read Virtue and Vice. Minor cameo. =)


"We should get ready."

"Ten more minutes."

And probably ten more of this same kind of conversation.

But I didn't have the heart to point that out. Nor did I have any real interest in untangling myself from Julian's arms when he was busy lavishing attention on my breasts as if they were his favorite cone of ice cream without the danger of it melting if he took his time with it.


It's been about a week since I threw fuel into this slow burn with Julian and let it blaze. So far my only injuries were these sweet, seductive memories haunting my skin long after Julian had touched me—places where I felt scorched, where I ached, where I was like a flame needing oxygen to flare even hotter. I felt them when I was all by myself, or out in public like at class or at work, or when Julian was branding other parts of me that he hadn't gotten to last time.

I'd succumbed so deeply, I could compare my boobs to Julian's favorite ice cream cone.

How the mighty have fallen.

"No! Don't give me a hickey there!" I desperately tried to shove Julian off when his lips gathered on the top side of one breast and started to suck. "I don't want it displayed to the world and have to explain it on a night when my mere presence is already going to be as awkward as hell."

Julian abruptly reared back and narrowed his eyes at me. "Just what kind of dress are you wearing that that part of your boob is going to be on display?"

I gave him what I hoped was an unrepentant smile. "I can show you if you'd just get off me so I can shower and change. You know, like I'd been planning to before you tackled me into bed."

His frown instantly smoothed over as he grinned and shifted his hips forward, burying himself deeper into me. "Are you sure you want me to stop this? Because your legs are wrapped around me so tightly I don't think I can move away even if I wanted to."

Whatever useless answer I had came out as a long groan as Julian started thrusting again in deep, even strokes, drawing me to a precipice I was too mindless to avoid. Besides, this was too good. Who the hell would hold back?

"Come for me, Starlight," Julian murmured into my ear in breathless pants, his hands molded around my breasts and his lips trailing the line of my jaw. "I want you to come apart for me."

My eyes half-lifted open to look at him. "Need... more..."

Suddenly, Julian slipped an arm behind my back and pulled me up to a sitting position. My legs automatically parted to plant my feet on the bed and Julian's hands clamped on my hips, urging me to rise above him.

"Turn around," he instructed as he pulled himself up to his knees and gave my butt a light smack to prompt me to move. I had just swung myself around when his hands gripped my hips again and his shaft drove all the way into me, causing us both to gasp hard.

From this angle, his penetration was deeper, every thrust hitting a sweet spot that had me clutching the sheets and moaning his name. In no time, his smooth movements grew frantic, his own groans gaining volume. There was a grittiness to the act that inflamed me further, and hearing Julian's losing battle with control as he rocked into me harder and faster, I slammed into that peak with harrowing velocity. My body rippled with the same shockwaves that rode over Julian with swift intensity as he, too, came apart from the pleasure seconds behind me.

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