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For the past month Andy has been at the house every day. My dad had someone clean out the little cabin by the barn that had not been used for a really long time and now Andy was going to move there so that he could be closer to help. He still goes home to help out his dad and brother occasionally. After the first day that I met him, he helped out a lot with the hay and sometimes if it was raining or he didn’t have to help dad he would help me with all the barn work. He eventually learned about Sam.  He didn’t ask questions but I figured I would tell him what happened and why I quit rodeo.  We learned a lot about each other in the past month. He is 20, his birthday s January 27th and he has two brothers, both older than him. My mom would keep saying that Andy and I were perfect for each other and would keep hinting at different things when he was around. Dad on the other hand says no, but on the inside I think he really likes the idea. He likes Andy.

When I told Andy about why I stopped doing rodeo, he somehow convinced me to start the rodeo circuit again. That’s one thing I don’t like about him, he rides bulls. When he told me this was when I had told him about Sam. He knows I hate that he does it but he said he can’t stop. We have a rodeo this weekend. So I guess there are some good outcomes to him riding bulls.

Today we have to unload ten wagons of hay into the hay barn. That means that he will most likely take his shirt off while doing this, yeah I think I’m okay with that. I’m still a girl and I can defiantly appreciate my dad hiring Andy.

In 12 hours I will be at my first rodeo in two years. I’m so nervous, it’s so weird to think how I did this before and I wasn’t as nervous as I am now. After we finished unloading the hay and Andy put his shirt back on, I went and got the trailers ready. I decided that I was going to take all the horses tomorrow so we were going to take both of the trailers, Andy and I are going to haul my four with my truck and my parents are going to take Sam’s horses with their truck and trailer. I know, the entry fees were going to be really expensive but from all the money that I have won with the horses it should cover the coast.

I got all the saddles and the saddle blankets in the trailer; each of the horses has their own saddle blanket. I put sawdust in both trailers and then I hooked the trucks up to the trailers and pulled them in front of the barn. When everything was done I went up to my room got out my clothes out and went to bed, well at least I tried.  

Last night I barley slept, I was too nervous. I got out of bed, got ready and went downstairs to get breakfast. Everyone was already in the dining room and mom was just bringing in the food. We at as quick as possible then Andy and I headed out to do barn work and feed the horses.  Then when we were done we loaded up the horses, got my parents and headed off to the rodeo.

I know its been a long time since I updated and I'm sorry!!! But I think I will be able to update again tomorrow!! :)

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