Meeting him

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so I think I'm gonna put pictures of the horses up along with the people. All the horses that are named are horses that I or a friend owns. The horse named Skipper is mine :D so i guess you can start reading now! :D

Although Sam died I still have all of his horses and I do ride them, but I just don’t go to any rodeos anymore. On occasions I will run a barren pattern on the horses, just to let them do what they love. There are people out there that say a horse does not care what it does, they say it’s just an animal and as long as it gets attention it will do whatever, the thing is they do have a care for what they do. Horses are just like people they have feelings and hobbies; you can tell by the way they act that they love something.

As I got ready to go out for barn work and to ride I thought about just how much the horses here actually do love doing the barrels and all those events. When I would go to shows, every time I entered the arena the horse that I was on would be prancing around waiting for me to let them go so they could run the pattern. They raced against the timer having the thrill of finally being let lose run through their veins. Pumping throughout their body with every stride they took.

“Lizz, before you go out to the barn I need to talk to you!” called my mom pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Okay, I’ll be down in a sec.” I yelled as I grabbed my boots.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen and grabbed some breakfast before I sat down at the table.

“SO, honey, since the weather lately has been so weird your dad hired someone to help. He is supposed to be here in an hour, so I need you to tell him where your dad is. If he has not come out of the house yet you can see if this guy can help you with anything.” Mom said as she hurried around the kitchen gathering her things for work.

“Okay, I can do that. Who did he hire?”

“I’m not sure; all I know is that he just moved here about two weeks ago. Well, I have to go or ill be late. Bye Lizz.”

“Bye mom”

When I was done eating I headed out to do barn work. I turned the radio on and sang along with Jason Aldean as I started doing work. We had about 20 horses, 10 of them ours and the other 10 were boarded here.

Barn work didn’t take long so once I was done I got Skipper, my 6 year old red dun quarter horse, out to ride. Today I was going to ride all the horses through a Barrel pattern so they could stretch out and run, doing what they were trained for. Skipper is my baby and I spoil her, but she can run a nice pattern. When I ride I still listen to music so that I can focus on riding but still have that noise that you can sing to in the background, so I didn’t happen to hear the truck door that shut or the crunching of the gravel indicating that someone was walking to the arena. I was too caught up in getting Skipper to run the pattern. All my mind could think about was every turn around the barrels or the time that could be made up in between the barrels. All too soon it was over and I was starting to walk Skipper around the arena to cool her off when I heard him speak.

“That was pretty nice, ever thought of doing it professionally?”  His deep, rough voice said.

So, what do you think??? I should have the next chapter up tomorrow :D

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