Chapter 2

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I groaned as I heard my alarm clock go off. I didnt want to get up because I had an amazing dream. I groaned and hit the snooze button and put the pillow over my ears. I thought I was going back to sleep until I heard the obnoxious voices of my three other band mates. "Wake your lazy ass up Calum. We need to get ready for this meeting," Michael yells and my eyes shoot open. I saw Michael, Ashton, and Luke were all ready and I looked at myself. I only had on a pair of boxers and I felt embarrassed. "Here mate," Ashton tossed me an outfit which I quickly threw on as fast as humanly possible. Ash started giggling. "What," I asked confused. "Your pants are on inside out," Ash bursts out in laughter. Luke groaned because he's not much of a morning person. I quickly fixed my jeans and made sure everything else looked right. "Alright. Lets go," Ash shouted, making Luke grab his head. "Stop shouting,"Luke complains. We all walk out of the hotel and go to the car that was waiting to take us to the meeting. I get in the passenger seat and the other guys get in the back. Our driver was Bill. "Its gonna take about 30 minutes to get there,"Bill says and he starts the car. About 5 minutes later, I look to the back seat and everyone is just passed out. I silently giggle to myself as I lean my head on the car window and watching the scenery go by. Before I knew it, we were at the conference building where the meeting was held. "Mates. Wake up,"I whispered and shook them. They didn't budge. "GUYS,"I yell and they all snap their heads up. All of them groan in pain. "You're a dick Calum,"Luke grumbles and gets out. "Im just trying to make sure you guys dont get in trouble,"I say getting out and closing the door. We all get inside and I surprisingly look like the normal one. Ashton had drool marks on his face
Michael's hair was messed up, and Luke could hardly keep his eyes open. "Ash you got some drool,"I giggle, pointing it out. He quickly wipes it off. We were all silent after that. We had to wait for a while before it was time to go up because it was about 7:30 and the meeting started at 8. I looked at the doors where the large menly security guards are. I saw there wasnt alot of fans outside. They all looked happy to even have a glimpse of their favorite band. I smiled. Knowing we could make people this happy is the most wonderful feeling in the world. I noticed a girl standing towards the back that looked shy. I snuck away from our little huddle and went to Dave, who was our security guard. I asked him to get that girl over to where I was. Dave went and grabbed the girl and she looked terrified until I looked at her. Her smile got so much bigger. She walked over with Dave and I gave her a big hug. "Whats your name,"I kindly ask. "H-Hannah," she stutters nervously. I couldn't help but silently coo. She was adorable. "Thats a pretty name. Im Calum but you probably knew that,"I joked with her. She smiled and I could tell that helped. "C-can I get a picture please" Hannah politely and shyly asks. She handed me her phone. I had to take the picture for her because she was so much shorter than me. I snapped the picture then gave her a hug. "You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you," Hannah says quietly. "Ill see you around Hannah,"I said and Dave walks her back outside. I walked back towards my band mates who were all on their phones, doing only god knows what. About 10 more minutes had passed and we were ushered into the elevator. "What the hell is this meeting even for,"Michael spoke as as we stepped in. "I dont know but its probably something stupid,"Ashton states annoyingly. We all nodded in agreement. The elevator stopped and we all walked onto the 5th floor. Dave guided us to a room with 6 seats and two of them were filled. In one seat was our manager Alex and in the other seat was a woman I didn't know. We all sat in the four chairs that was around the table. The order went Ashton, Me, Luke, and than Michael. Dave stood outside the door. "Hello fellas," Alex generously welcomed us. "I've called you all here to discuss about an experiment I would like you to participate in,"Alex proposed and our ears perked up. "What kind of experiment," Michael asked. "Its an undercover experiment. You will each go undercover to a highschool and look around for your fans. See what some are like,"Alex pitched. I was about to ask where this highschool was until he interrupted my thoughts. "This highschool will be in a city you've never been to before. And this experiment will help determine if we should add it to the tour list,"Alex added. "Where is the school at exactly,"Luke asked. "Nebraska. Omaha, Nebraska,"Alex replied. I looked at him like he was nuts and I could tell my bandmates were too. "What," all of us shouted in unison. "Calm down. It's not gonna kill you,"Alex calmly says as we all remain quiet for the rest of the meeting. I couldn't believe we were being forced to do this. I mean, it would be nice to see some fans in a city that we've never been to but it could also be dangerous. I've heard a lot of bad stuff about Omaha so I hope all this goes well. We all got up and walked out as soon as Alex was finished. I could feel the tension as we stepped on the elevator. None of my bandmates spoke a word at all. Will we like it in Nebraska? All these questions were running through my mind as we made our way out of the elevator and into the lobby. The fans died down and we were able to get out to our car. "This fucking sucks,"Michael mutters out of nowhere. "I know right? This is so stupid. And of all places, he had to chose Nebraska,"Luke agrees with Michael. "I shuck corn and ride cows,"Michael makes fun of Nebraska. "Stop it mates. Maybe there are some nice girls in Omaha. It has a lot of cool things there,"Ashton slightly nudges them. "Oh yeah? Like what," I question him as I suddenly become more curious. "Well their zoo was dubbed the best zoo in the world, they hold a national baseball tournament, and they have a really cool walking bridge that goes over the river," Ashton rolls off all the stuff he knew about Nebraska. "Well damn. Wait are there penguins at the zoo,"Luke asks and I giggle. "Would you shut up about penguins Lucas," I said while shaking my head playfully. "Yes there are penguins in the zoo,"Ashton answers Luke's question. "Maybe it will be fun,"Luke smiling. "Yeah. You're right Luke. I mean we can't really make fun of Omaha when we grew up in neighborhoods that have similar backgrounds,"I butt in. "Wow. Calum finally talks,"Michael jokingly gasps. I playfully roll my eyes at him. We just kept talking about the whole thing when the car stopped. "We're here guys,"Dan shouted to us. He was our driver. "Thanks Dan," I give him a thankful smile and follow the boys into the hotel. "What if there are cute girls there,"Luke smirks. "Maybe there will be but you can't date any high school girls," I said snacking his head. He rubbed the spot where I hit. I thought "Maybe we should look out for them on Twitter". "Hey mates. Maybe we can find some fans on Twitter,"Ashton suggests. "Hey that's what I was gonna say," I say pouting. "Well I beat you you to it," Ashton giggles. "How are we gonna find them? Do we just look up Omaha, Nebraska in the search bar,"I ask. We all rolled our eyes in response. "No. We're gonna search magical fluffy unicorns,"Michael responded sarcastically. I glared at him. "You're a cock," I playfully insult him. Michael pulls out his phone and opens Twitter and searches "Omaha, Nebraska". Me, Ashton, and Michael did as well. Not a lot came up. It was just the normal stuff like trends about the city and touristic sights there. But there was a girl that stood out. She kept tweeting for us to come to Omaha and she was probably the only person I saw that didn't tweet about "stuff to do in Omaha". "Ash I think you'll like this one. She's an Ashton girl,"Michael points to a girl and shows Ashton. "I like her username Midwestirwin seems fitting,"Ashton comments. I realized that we were all looking at the same person. I clicked on the follow button and so did my bandmates. All I knew was that we were gonna have to keep an eye out for her. Another worry I have about going to Omaha is that fans will recognize us and make us feel not normal by spreading about who we really are. That was my biggest fear. As my fears clouded my mind, I looked through the girls profile. She seems nice and she loved Ashton a lot. She also kind of hated his girlfriend but I see how she feels. I scrolled more through her profile and saw that she was calling Luke a dickhead and that he needed to get a reality check. I looked up to see Luke's smile fall into a frown. "I g-gotta go,"Luke chokes and runs to his room. "Did you guys see her tweets too,"I ask referring to the Dickhead tweets. They both nod. "Who wants to go up,"Michael asks and. We count to 3 and they both point to me. "Cake forever,"Michael giggles. I go upstairs and I found Luke sobbing into the phone. I decided to eavesdrop and see who he was talking to. "I can't be with you anymore. I losing my fans and they mean so much to me,"Luke sobs and I figured out that he was talking to Arzaylea. "goodbye," Luke says barely above a whisper and hangs up the phone. That's when I decided to come in. "C-Calum. What are you doing here,"Luke sniffles. I sat down by him and hugged him. "I have to thank that girl. Sh-she really put it into perspective for me. Have I been distant,"Luke asks. I nod slightly. In glad he dumped her. She was no good for him anyways. "I can't wait to go to Omaha so I can thank that girl personally," Luke says with his head on my shoulder. "We'll ever undercover remember,"I reminded him and he frowned. A lightbulb must have lit up in his head because he perked up happily. "I can thank her on Twitter,"Luke cheerfully and he pulls out his phone and quickly types out a thank you tweet to @midwestirwin. I smiled at him because I hate seeing my friend sad. It's truly heartbreaking. Maybe Nebraska will change is all for the better or for worse. Maybe it will give us a whole new perspective on life. I'm just nervous that if someone gets to know me while I'm in disguise that they won't like me for who I truly am. I feel like all my mates feel the same way. That's a scary feeling to have and I absolutely hate it. Omaha, Nebraska here we come.

Chapter 2. I hope you like it. :) follow me on Twitter if you like. @Dirushoner919~Kaysi

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