7. Fight (2)

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I feel great today. I'm not thinking about Shawn anymore, he's my past. He's already happy now out there with Hailee. I just want to have fun with my life and the girls. That's what I'm all thinking about.

As I woke up this morning today, I took a quick shower and get ready for school.

I skipped my breakfast because I don't have much mood to eat something in the morning so I decided to go to my school earlier so I can't see Shawn in the morning because it will ruin my mood.

I dropped Sofi to her school and continue to go to my school.

As I parked my car in the parking lot and as I stepped in to the school, Dinah ran to me.

"Camila! Oh my god, where have you been?! Shawn and Jacob are fighting!" she said as she out of breath,

"Really, oh my god! Where are they?" I said as I dropped my bag in the floor, shocked.

"Behind the school! You should see them!" she said as I started to run to outside the school.

"Mila, your bag!" Dinah yelled, "Help me to bring them," I said as I kept running.

I can't believe what Jacob did. I told him to not fight him but he did. He always never listen to me. This is why sometimes I don't believe Jacob.

There's Hailee with her panic face. I ran closer to them.

"Oh gosh, stop, stop! People, stop!" I said as I separated them.

"Jacob, are you okay?" I helped him to get up. I can see bruises on his face. I saw Hailee helped Shawn to get up and it kinda hurts me.

"What happened? Tell me, Jacob! Who started this fight?!" I asked,

"For fucking sake, it's Shawn who hit me in the face first!" Jacob explained,

Fuck, I can't believe Shawn. Why would he did that to Jacob?

"Shawn, what the fuck are you doing? This is not your business! Get the fuck out of here!" I yelled at him,

"Fuck you, Camila. Why the fuck you yelled at my boyfriend?!" Hailee yelled at me,

"I asked him, who are you, huh? You are not involving to this fight!" I yelled back,

"Shawn, answer!" I said,

"I'm jealous, Mila! I'm jealous! I swear to God, I love you!" he said,

" I'm back with Hailee for some reason! I want to make you jealous because I want you to know if I love you so fucking bad, I thought you fucking realized! And I saw you were in the cafe together, laughing and holding hands! I want to do that with you! I never meant to make you cry but you were misunderstanding," he continued as he held his tears.

I've never see Shawn crying before. His words makes me want to cry too but I tried to look strong in front of him. When I heard him saying 'I love you' to me, I shocked. I looked at Hailee's face and she suddenly gave me death glare. Fuck, she did it again.

"Shawn, I'm so sorry. That's the past, you are with Hailee, now. I don't want you to hurt Hailee, just let me the one who gets hurt. It's over, now. I have my life and you have yours. You don't deserve me and I don't deserve you, too. Get a happy life, Shawn," I explained,

Shawn seems depressed when I said those words. I love him, but it's just too late.

"Jacob, let me help to cleaned you up," I said as we walked in to the school.


I can't believe this anymore. Now, I lost her. I lost Camila. I will never get her anymore, we're not going to waste our time again, talk to each other again, being crazy together and I will never see her smile because of me.

I regretted everything. Yes, everything what Camila said is right. I'm a jerk. I don't deserve her and she doesn't even deserve me.

"Babe, let me help you," Hailee said as she helped me to get up, "Don't you ever babe me, we're totally over. If you ever disturb Camila's life, you'll get the worst life!" I said as I tried to get up by myself.

I ruined our friendship. I ruined everything. I ruined my life.

I saw Camila was helping Jacob to cleaned him up. I need to hold my jealousy and I don't have any rights to get mad with Camila.

My life is so empty right now. I don't have someone in my life. I have my family but I don't have Camila. I hate it. I hate being so lonely right now.

I decided to go to clubs to get some drinks to relieve my problems, a bit.


"Yo, what's up, Shawn? What do you want?" Nick said, yeah he's probably my man at clubs. I told him everything every time I meet him.

"As usual, bro," I said as I looked around inside the clubs.

Other girls are just not interesting at all like I only want Camila. She's like the half of my heart. I'm so stupid why am I letting her go.

"Here you go, man. Is there any story cause I have works to do," Nick said as he cleaned up the bar table.

"Umm, you better do your works, man," I said as I drink my beer.

After I drank my beer for 5 times, I decided to go home before I get in too much drunk. I jumped in to my car and turned it on. I felt like I drove too fast and everything just so blur. I can't see everything clearly. Oh, god. Suddenly, everything turned black.


a/n: hello people! yeah i tried to write my story in the middle of study but it's okay tho because i got extra class lol and wow i made another fight part. this is amazing but sorry for this sucks & short chapter lmao. hope y'all have a great day!

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