20. Announcement

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Today, we'll be heading to James Corden show because we're about to talk about our big news which is about our marriage.

"Babe, are you done yet?" he asked from outside the bathroom,

"Not yet, almost," I said as I put the last touch up for my hair and then I walked out from the bathroom,

"Gorgeous, damn, I really want to fuck you right here right now," he said as he bit his lips. For fucking sake, he is so hot like I can't handle myself anymore.

He started suck my neck in so my pleasure and I let him to do it because I want it.

"Mila, we should get done and make our way to James Corden's show," he said.

I'm wearing a black hoodie and a skirt because I brought some clothes to wear for being on a show tonight.

Shawn is ready first as usual, he's not that formal for a show but I as girl wanted to look good in front of camera.

As we're arrived at the location, we decided to get ready on our room at the backstage.

"You looked damn perfect, Mila," Shawn said as he sat beside me as the make up artist put a make up on my face,

"I know," I joked,

"Yes, you already know, babe," he said.

I choosed an off-shoulder black dress and put my hair to a braid-bun. And the make up is natural too, which is I really like it.

"Shawn, Camila, in 5 minutes," a crew said from the door. We decided to check ourselves again and get ready for the show.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, on!" another crew said and the audiences started to give us applauses.

"Here we have, the very romantic couple, Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello!" James said,

"Thanks, man," Shawn said,

"You all have been here like so many times and I really like you guys," James said,

"Aww, you're too sweet, James," I said and smiled to him.

"So, what's the big news? I heard you guys already engaged," James asked,

Shawn and I looked at each other means we're excited to tell it to the people,

"Yeah, yeah. I will explain about us getting engaged," Shawn said,

"It was happened in a private party, no medias can come in so yeah. I've been planning about that party for months and now, here we are. Camila and I are officially engaged!" Shawn continued,

"That was cool, more, more," James said as he gave his "need another story from it" face,

"Thank you, and yeah, there's a secret here, I was really scared and nervous, if anybody can felt my hands in that moment, my hands are very sweating," Shawn explained,

"Hahaha yeah, yeah. I actually felt that and I was like 'Shawn, are you okay? Damn,' but that was very fun," I said as I held my laugh,

"I literally forgot if you two are..." James said as he's thinking about what he's gonna talk about,

"Oh! Old friends, how was it? You two are exactly from old friends which is desperated and now, you two are engaged," James continued,

"Yeah, I know, I know. I still can't believe it if I actually now engaged with Shawn, like in the past, I really hate because he is such a badass and everything, but he changed now," I explained as I smiled,

"That's good, though. So, Shawn, you're going to sing your new song, right?" James said,

"Yeah, yeah," Shawn said,

"Okay, we'll see Shawn's performance with his new single, right after this commercial break," James said and then we're off.

"Congratulations for both of you, I wish for you two the best and don't forget to invite me to your marriage," James said,

"We will," Shawn said.

After the commercial break, I have to take James' part to present my fiancé aka Shawn.

"Welcome back to Late Late Show and I'm taking James' part because I don't see James anywhere but no problem, but here you are, I present to you, Shawn Mendes," I said,

After Shawn sang his song, we decided to leave the location and back to our apartment.


Today, Camila and I went to the Late Late Show for announcing our big news and everyone was shocked. I know, we haven't announce it yet at everywhere so we officially announced at the Late Late Show.

As Camila and I arrived at the apartment, I changed my clothes while Camila cooked for lunch. I can't believe the lady that is cooking now is gonna be my wife for a very long time until the end.

I grabbed a glass and a water from the fridge and poured the water into my glass at the counter.

"Hm, so when will we helding the marriage?" Camila asked,

"Very soon," I said as I took a sip of my water,

"Okay," she said, I decided to walk behind her and put my hands around her hips. I started to kiss her neck because I really want her right now.

"Shawn, not now, okay? I'm cooking right now," she said,

"I'm not hungry for food, I'm hungry for you," I said, joking,

"Whatever, shoo, shoo, get away," she joked,

"Okay, okay," I said as I pecked her lips and walked to the lounge room,

I turned on the TV and almost all the channels that I changed are all about myself and Camila, I can't believe this is would be a hot trending.

I changed another channel to find good shows to watch.

"Babe, it's done," Camila said from the kitchen,

"Okay," I said,

As I get up from the couch, Camila brought food for me so we can watch while eating at the lounge room,

"Aw, thanks a lot, babe," I said and kissed her head,

"You're welcome and c'mon take a bite and tell me how it taste," she begged like a puppy,

I took a bite and it tastes really good. I mean, she did it very good when it's her first time cooking.

"Wow, Mila! It tastes very well, you should cook more for me and our future child, you're gonna be a great mom," I said as I kissed her cheek,

"Aw, thanks a lot, Shawny. Go eat it while I'm changing my clothes," she said as she kissed my cheek. I smiled. I always thank God for giving me Camila in my life.


i'm so excited for this story because yeah i got a lot of ideas right now. and i think i will make this story finished very soon, and should i make a sequel from this story? ahahahha it just flashes in my mind.

thanks for reading, i love you xx

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