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"What have I done..." The blue eyed brunette thought sitting on the edge of the bed with a regretful expression glancing over to the still sleeping tri-colored hair teen looking over his partially exposed body and small hickeys on his neck completely unaware the other was awake with a worried regretful expression as well. "Ah what a rough night..." The small Duelist complained the next morning in class slouching frontward laying on his desk, "Yug? Are you alright?" Joey asked leaning over worried, "No, my body feels sore..." Yugi mumbled trying not to move much since his body ached for some reason surprising his friends. "What did you do?" Tea asked glancing to Yugi's Millenium Puzzle than to him, "That's the thing... I can't remember." Yugi lied, "Can't remember?" All three friends asked a bit baffled who were about to ask but paused when the teacher yelled at Kaiba who walked in late as usual with his serious expression. "Seto Kaiba! There's no reason to be this late!", "Shut it old man." Kaiba huffed walking over to his desk before glancing over at Yugi but looked away immediately surprising the group more, "What's with the creep?" Joey asked annoyed as usual, "He's probably trying to pick a fight with Yugi as always." Tea said making a face. "You guys take it easy on Kaiba..." The small Duelist said with a sigh, "Yugi...", "Kaiba isn't a bad person-", "You there! Sit up and pay attention, class is in session!" Making Yugi jump up and sit up in his desk almost immediately sending a jolt of pain up his back with the brunette glancing over at that moment noticing his pained expression.


During the class lecture the blue eyed brunette just got up grabbing his things and left without speaking a word with the teacher yelling at him again, "The teacher is just wasting his time on that creep." Joey huffed with Yugi glancing over to see Kaiba had glanced at him before he left making a face. "Hey Yug we're going to the burger place, want to go?" Joey asked with a grin after school, "Nah... I think I'll pass..." Yugi said with his usual smile, "Well alright... Take it easy Yugi." Tea said worried noticing a red mark peeking out from his leather collar but thought it was a bug bite, "I will don't worry.". With a final wave to his friends Yugi dropped his head sighing, "Ah, Pharaoh what did you do..." The small tri-colored hair teen complained with a mumble walking slowly to ease the pain before reacting when someone grabbed his arm and pulled him to the empty corridor of the staircase pinning him against the wall. "Ow-", "You've got some nerve Mutou." Surprised at the familiar voice looking up to see Kaiba looking down at him, "N-Nerve about what?-", "If you're going to come to school like that at least cover up your little love marks." Making the small Duelist flinch but was surprised when Kaiba fixed his "Dog Collar" as Kaiba referred to it. "Kaiba...", "You shouldn't put so much pressure on your body like that after- Nevermind just take it easy..." Kaiba said letting his grip go turning away to hide his light blush and walking away, "Wait! Kaiba what happened!..." Yugi said but made a face when Kaiba ignored his question and left, "Take it easy he says... Right after he pushed me roughly..." Mumbling putting his hand on his neck, "Love marks? So...".


 Later that night during helping his Grandpa close the game shop Yugi locked the door walking slightly regular heading to the stairs, "Yugi?", "Hmm? Yeah Grandpa?" Making the small Duelist pause on the first step of the stairs to his room and turn to his grandpa, "Are you alright?", "Huh?...", "Are you alright?...". Yugi tilted his head lightly confused, "Of course I'm alright... Why are you asking me this now Grandpa?...", "Well it's just since you got home yesterday you seemed pained... Even earlier when you sat down you made a face so...", "I'm fine just a bit sore but I'm fine." He said with a sigh, "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to bed alright. Good Night Grandpa.". Yugi heaved a sigh once he closed the door behind him looking down at his Millennium Puzzle taking it off holding it in his hand realizing how quiet the spirit was all day, "So Kaiba won't talk plus he's acting strange and you haven't said a word all day, kind of suspicious if you tell me..." Getting ready for bed setting the puzzle on the nightstand next to his bed getting into bed carefully. The brunette sat at his desk as usual checking a few things for his company before looking up when he heard the door open to see his brother at the door, "Ah, Mokuba... What is it?" Surprising Mokuba that his brother didn't get angry with him for interrupting him, "I wanted to check on you since you haven't really been around much all day that's all...". "I'm fine, just finishing up a few things for Kaiba Corps.", "You should try getting some rest you know...", "So should you. Don't worry about me just go to bed Mokuba.", "Alright... Goodnight Seto." Making the brunette's eyes widen at the mention of his name when Mokuba left suddenly thinking about his rival from the day before. "Seto... Ah Seto..." Remembering Yami's soft pants and expressions making a face blushing lightly pinching the bridge of his nose letting out a heavy sigh "I'm going to bed...", the taller amethyst eyed Duelist who was lost deep in thought in the Millennium Puzzle laying on the stairs of the mazed puzzle hearing Yugi's voice calling for him searching for him.


"Pharaoh!" Yugi called making a face when he didn't get a response, "Strange... He usually answers me..." Staying quiet pretending to leave hearing small shuffling of feet and walking away, "He went to his room." Yugi thought going up the stairs of the maze but jumped up at the sound of Yami's voice, "Yugi what are you doing here...". "Something on your mind?" Yami asked his smaller self offering his usual smile but dropped it when Yugi quickly undid the collar and pulled it to expose the hickeys embarrassing the Duelist, "I knew it." Yugi said with a serious expression, "Yugi give that back." Reaching back for it only to have Yugi pull it away, "Pharaoh... Kaiba won't talk and neither will you. But I'm not leaving till you give me answers.". Yami gave a long silence feeling his cheeks burn with embarrassment fixing the jacket collar over his neck, "Pharaoh... What happened between you and Kaiba the day he asked to duel you again.", "...Your body hurts correct Yugi?... So it's pretty obvious that we-", "I figured that much. But how did it end up that way.", "...Shouldn't you be asleep Yugi...", "Pharaoh. Please...". "...I still can't understand it myself either but we were dueling in Kaiba's room till our hands accidentally touched and we looked at one another causing a bit of an awkward tension than... Somehow a small kiss turned into us getting intimate..." Yami said feeling awful about putting his partner's body through so much trouble, "Don't look so apologetic... Look, we need to clear things up right, I'll help you." Yugi offered, "Thank you...", "Next time just be honest will you...".

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