Round And Round

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"I'm sorry, I left early..." Yugi lied smiling in his usual smile to his friends who were nagging him at his sudden disappearance in class a few days back at the new burger place, "At least you look well rested and better..." Tea said with a sigh leaning back with Joey just looking at Yugi making a face. "You know before that Kaiba defended you when the teacher tried waking you up so he could let you sleep...", "R-Really? I had no idea...", "He hasn't dropped by your place or said anything to you has he?" Joey asked looking over Yugi who smiled nervously, "No, why would he?...", "Cause he's a creep that's why." Joey huffed with an annoyed expression. "Take it easy on him will you..." The small duelist said, "He's not a bad person, besides don't you think you let him get under your skin too much?", "Better than him getting into my pants." Joey huffed getting a shiver when he said that not realizing he made Yugi blush at his comment, "On second thought, that was a terrible thought- Yug?... Are you alright, you're red in the face...". "I-I'm fine!" Yugi said quickly laughing it off, "Anyways, are you nervous for that duel?" Tea asked when Yugi took a bite out of his burger, "Hmm?... No way... What makes you think that?" He said with food still in his mouth his cheek getting dirtied with a ketchup stain, "You're a messy eater Yug...", "Eh?..." Making Yugi turn to Joey confused. "But it's just so good-!" Yugi said surprised blushing almost immediately when Joey wiped his cheek with a napkin a bit close than he needed to be, "Joey I'm not a little kid you know!" Yugi said embarrassed, "I know but you would of never noticed if I wouldn't have said anything." The blonde said hearing Tea sigh, "Let Yugi breathe will you...". "It's okay really..." Yugi said getting a feeling as if someone was watching him looking around to see a familiar car across the street from them, "Kaiba?..." Tensing up when the window rolled down to reveal the brunette looking at him, "Yugi?... What's wrong?", "Ah! Nothing nothing!" He said quickly to see the car gone when his friends looked over where he was looking at.

"Something on your mind Yugi?" Tea asked while both Joey and Tristan were playing the same game competing who was better, "N-No... Not really...", "Really? Because you're always so excited about playing arcade games, but right now you seem like you have a lot on your mind..." Tea said seeing Yugi look away. "Hey look a new game." The small duelist said excusing himself going over to the new game that was on the other side of the room, "That was a close one... I'm not a very good liar...", "Yugi..." Hearing Yami's voice in the back of his head, "Like you can do any better..." He said back mentally to the puzzle spirit who sensed something off making the switch almost immediately with Yugi. Right after the switch the duelist felt someone stand closely behind him along with a pair of hands run down hips and thighs managing to keep his composure, "Kaiba stop...", "You're no fun sometimes..." The brunette said against his ear biting it playfully bringing a blush to his cheeks, "Kaiba...", "Don't worry no one really comes around here~", "That's not the point-" Making Yami pause at Tea's voice who was a few feet away. "Tch, what a nuisance..." Kaiba mumbled pulling Yami into a nearby photo booth pulling the curtain to show it was busy cornering his rival against the wall with his body, "Kaiba!-", "Keep your voice down will you..." Kaiba growled putting a hand over Yami's mouth when he heard Tea's steps nearby with Yami fighting for breath pulling his hand away letting out a heavy breath only to be cut off by a deep kiss by Kaiba.

"Hmm?" The female brunette turned looking around swearing she heard Yugi, "I thought I heard Yugi..." She mumbled worried while Kaiba had already managed to undo Yami's leather collar, "Kaiba what are you doing?!..." Tensing up when the brunette corned him completely against the wall inches away from his face, "I'm just trying to see if that mutt didn't touch you anywhere else...". "All this over Jealousy!?" The duelist said feeling Kaiba's hand over his mouth again when he put a finger over his lips gesturing him to stay quiet since Tea was still around, "Yugi!... Hmm... I guess he left..." Hearing Tea's steps get more distant and gone pulling his hand away, "Are you serious!?" Yami's said making Kaiba's blue eyes met his, "What? Thought I didn't notice." He said barely brushing his lips against the others. "...What are you jealous?..." Yami said despite his blush, "That took you too long to think about." Kaiba said making a face grabbing by his thighs and cornering him leaving no space between them, "Kaiba!?", "Oh I wonder what would happen if those friends of yours found us like this...". The tri-colored haired teen blushed staying quiet at what he said getting a chill up his spine when Kaiba ran a hand inside his shirt pinching his nipple teasingly causing him to clench his rival's jacket giving a moan not realizing the photo booth was a bit broken since it didn't take the picture of the couple previously going off at that moment with Tea who went to go ask the others to see if they had seen Yugi. "Kaiba..." The rival said with a lustful expression in his amethyst eyes kissing the brunette deeply, "We can't do this here..." Kaiba said in the kiss, "But I'll take a reign check on that offer... Say at my place later?..." Kaiba said against his rival's ear feeling a tight hug and nod from Yami with Tea who walked by again this time noticing something in the picture slot picking it up silently surprised at who was in the picture.

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