Fuck Me Once Shame On You, Fuck Me Twice Shame On Me

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"Yugi, are you still asleep?" The older Mutou asked the next morning since it was almost the afternoon peeking in small Duelist's room to see him still fast asleep, "...Guess you won't be meeting up with your friends today than." Closing the door quietly behind him so he wouldn't wake him, the real truth was Yugi was awake but didn't respond purposely till his grandpa left laying there. "Yugi..." The puzzle spirit started sitting on the edge of the bed looking down at his partner who stirred a bit glancing over to him with his large amethyst eyes, "Don't start." Yugi said tiredly laying on his side undoing the leather exposing the new hickeys laying it down on the desk next to him, "I'm supposed to meet with Joey, Tristan and Tea today but I'm too tired." He mumbled pulling the covers over himself completely. "Well...", "No it wasn't your fault." Yugi cut off, "Though you did consent so it was on both of you." Making the Spirit blush embarrassed feeling bad, "Can I at least apologize for Kaiba involving you like that." Seeing Yugi sigh, "I suppose so..." The small duelist said glancing to the spirit who was now in front of him kneeled on the ground, "Yugi...". "Maybe Kaiba doesn't hate you as much as he says... Maybe he actually likes you..." Seeing Yami shake his head, "No, No listen. I mean the way he treated you says otherwise but how about when he kissed you after- Well me...", "I don't understand Yugi...", "That last kiss was different correct?", "Well yeah.. It was more gentle..." The spirit said quietly. "See that just proves my point more, still maybe I could be wrong..." Giving the puzzle spirit a kind smile to assure him, "At least you didn't get caught right?", "I suppose..." The spirit said looking at Yugi making both pause at the sound of his grandpa's voice downstairs "Yugi, Your friends are here!", "...Looks like I have to go out after all..." Yugi said with a laugh carefully sitting up to fix the leather collar on again. "I'll take over today.", "Nah, it's fine." Yugi replied simply as he got ready turning to the puzzle spirit with his usual smile, "You can take over when you feel it's necessary alright?" Putting the puzzle on, "Besides you need to take it easy Pharaoh." Opening the door heading downstairs to meet the group, "You're wrong... You're the one that needs to take it easy.". "You need to take it easy don't you think?" The smaller Kaiba Brother said to his older brother in his office who was busily working again with the brunette shaking his head, "I'm fine Mokuba. I just need to take a break is all." Getting up leaving the room with Mokuba turning to the glass window seeing a leftover handprint realizing Kaiba must have missed that one, "So I didn't hear things than...". "Mokuba." Making the smaller Kaiba jump up at his brother's sudden voice turning to the brunette, "Yeah, what is it Bro?", "I was going to say if got wanted to have lunch with me since I never spend time with you. Also why are you looking at the window so much for?", "Ah... Nothing really. You just have a really nice view of Domino City that's all!" Seeing his older brother laugh a bit for once, "I sure do.".

"What's up Yug?" The blonde asked looking over to his friend who yawned, "Sorry I just slept late that's all." Yugi said with a smile that didn't really convince his friends but let it slide when a familiar voice was heard on the large TV screen that was in the heart of the city making the group look up to see Kaiba on the screen talking about the upcoming Dueling Tournament, "Dueling Tournament?" Joey and Yugi both said surprised. The Brunette's voice continued on, "But before you third rate Duelists get excited, this is going to be a match between me and 'The King of Games' for all to see." He said in a familiar taunting tone and smirk that sent a chill down Yugi's spine looking down at his puzzle before the spirit took over looking up at the brunette on the screen who seemed to look at him, "You won't win Kaiba.". With that the brunette gave a final grin before the TV turned off and everyone was murmuring around them looking to the tri-colored hair teen who looked serious walking away, "Man what's that creeps problem?" Joey asked making a face, "Whatever it is, it won't affect him cause he has his friends by his side!" Tea started on her friendship speech, "But that doesn't explain why Kaiba keeps picking at it with Yugi." Tristan cut off causing them to bicker leaving the spirit in deep thought. "He's calling you out on purpose." Yami heard the softer voice say in the back of his head, "I know... He's taunting me..." He replied back mentally sighing before bumping into someone in front of him apologizing almost immediately to see it was Mokuba who looked at him with a look that bothered him a bit, "Are you alright Mokuba?" Reaching a hand out towards him to help him up a bit surprised at Mokuba's hesitation to take his hand. The younger Kaiba looked at his brothers rival's hand hesitating for a moment remembering the hand print on the glass, "No doubt it's his..." He thought before taking it, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine." Mokuba said feeling a bit awkward at seeing Yugi but kept his cool, "Mokuba what's with your brother bothering Yugi so much!" Joey started, "I have no idea, even if I knew I wouldn't tell you." Mokuba huffed, "Anyways, you probably already heard about my brother's challenge.". "I sure did..." Yami said making a face, "That's some way to call me out.", "Well he wanted me to tell you you have a week to get ready because he has a surprise in store for you." Mokuba said looking at Duelist's baffled expression glancing down to his neatly fixed leather collar spotting a small red mark peeking out, "Hm? What is it Mokuba?" Yami asked lightly concerned. "Ah, Nothing." Mokuba said quickly, "Anyways you have a week to get ready Yugi." Walking away with the friends looking at Mokuba than to the spirit baffled, "That was strange." Joey said, "Yeah Mokuba is usually like Kaiba but not this time..." Tea added, "I'm sure he's just busy." Yami defended before Yugi took over, "Anyways let's go eat I'm starving." He said turning to his friends smiling softly at them, "Yugi was different again..." Tristan said, "That's just Yugi." Joey and Tea both said.

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