Chapter 1

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Emily's P.O.V


Everything around me starts falling apart. After seeing the entire city fall in a pile of rubble, it hits me... DAD?! I start running to the house that once stood and contained my family and belongings. I finally make it to the rubble, but it is too late.

I start searching the rubble, finding some of my clothes, photos, books and my laptop. I can't find any life form in the waste of my once beautiful home. Where is he? Is he at work? IS HE ALIVE?!

I start walking to the city, where I had run from, and towards the airport. This kind of thing happens around the entire country of Australia and on the news people are always saying that if this happens, then you should head straight for the airport.

After hours of walking, I finally make it to the airport and find myself being pushed around by the other people waiting for a plane. I walk around and upto the information desk.

"Full name, please" The girl at the computer says.

"Emily Jade Clarke" I reply, slightly depressed.

"Ok, yes your father is here, heading to gate 15."

"He's alive?!" Thank God.

"Is you father Andrew Victor Clarke?" I nod, "Well yes. The plane he is waiting for is flying to Montreal, Canada in 15 minutes, so if you want to get to him, I suggest you run."

"Yes. Thank you" I say, bolting for gate 15.

I finally make it, bumping into a few peopl on my way.

"Emily?!" My dads voice calls over the crowd.

"I'm here" I scream back, running into his arms. I feel my eyes fill up with tears, he is alive. I knew he would.

"Flight 253 is now boarding" The voice over the tano system says.

"You ready?" I nod. We grab the only bags we have and start walking down the tunnel into the plane. I take my seat at the window and dad takes our small bags and puts them in the compartment above us.

"Let's go." Dad says, taking his seat next to me.

All of a sudden we start taking off, many people start talking, a few children and babies are crying, probably because of the events that just occured.

"Is Nan and Grandad still in England with Toohey?" Dad asks.

"Yeah, they are safe. No need to worry about them. Plus I visited their house and collected all of the photo albums, along with ours."

"Good girl." He pulls me into him and I rest my head on his shoulder, slowly feeling myself fall asleep.

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