Friend zoned

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After searching for a place to stay, they found a cave to stay a night in there.

Espeon:I'm so tired from walking. She plopped to the ground,Umbreon also nodded in agreement. A cool breeze had blew towards him. "Its gonna be cool tonight,help make a campfire." He asked her as he made a circle of sticks in a pile.

Espeon: alright fine. She used psychic to rub 2 sticks together,while umbreon waited patently. Soon, sparks began to show and fly everyone as she rubbed faster.

Espeon: finally! She announced with joy. The 2 sticks had lighted up with fire,she placed the sticks into the pile and both of them watched the fire grow tremendously.

Umbreon: I'll be right back. He dashed towards the woods.
Espeon: where are you going? She asked him curiously.
Umbreon: I'm going to go get food for us. He was soon out of sight.

Espeon: *sigh* what am I supposed to do now? -she looked outside of the cave,to see a reflection of the moon. She walked where the entrance of the cave was to see the moon. " beautiful...I wish umbreon was here to see this." She said to herself.

-After about 30 minutes umbreon comes back with 4 apples.-

Espeon turned around to see umbreon with 4 apples."what took you so long she asked him."

Umbreon:I had got lost finding food. He chuckled a bit.
Espeon: at least you're safe.

Umbreon: yea I know,but here you go. He said handing her 2 apples. Espeon took a bite out her apple.

Espeon: "geez hungry much?" She said,when she saw umbreon had dug his face into his apple,also not hearing what she said.

Espeon:you're such a messy eater. She told him taking another bite out of hers.

Umbreon:"not I'm not."finishing his 1st apple and moving on to his 2nd one.

"What am I gonna do with you?" She thought. As Espeon finished her 1st apple,Umbreon was already done with his 2nd one. Espeon looked at her apple,then at him. "You want it?" She asked him.

Umbreon: nah I'm full. -walks over where Espeon was just sitting at. Espeon walks over to umbreon. "What's wrong umbre?" She asked him.

Umbreon: nothing...*smiles at her*
Espeon: oh ok *cutely yawns*
Umbreon: seem like someone is tired.

Espeon: I'm not tired. She stated.

Umbreon: I'm not holding you back from sleeping. He replied back.

Espeon:but I wanna stay right here with you. She told him while her tail brushed lightly against the side of his face ; she then rubbed her head on his neck causing him to blush.

Umbreon: I'm gonna go to sleep. He curled up right next to the fire.

Espeon thought, "Did make it awkward for him? Or us? She did the same as him and fell asleep.

-the next day-

Espeon was awaken by the sunlight hitting her face. She looked to see some pokemons moving around or/and getting food for themselves,friends,or families. Espeon yawnes and stretched until she heard her stomach growl. "I probably didn't eat as much last night." She said to herself. She got up,looks at Umbreon,then walks off to find some food.

-15 minutes later-

Espeon came back with 6 Oran berries. She sighed when he was still asleep. She walked over to him ,and tried to wake him up.
Espeon: umbre,wake up I'm bored. There was no answer.

Espeon: fine, since you won't get up -nudges him from his side to his back,then backs up a little bit.- I'll make you. She ran and jumped on him........which didn't go as planned. "GRRRR why can't I get off of him. She thought. Until something was warming her up. It was his chest that warming her.

Umbreon was feeling something pressuring on his chest. Soon he slowy started to wake up.

"Oh crap! He's waking up!... But I still can't move." She thought.
Umbreon woke up to see Espeon on top of him, there noses were touching when he sat up a bit.

Espeon: finally you're awake.
Umbreon: what are you doing on top me? He asked curcuriously.
Espeon:I was trying to wake you up by jumping on you which failed. She chuckled nervously.

Umbreon: well that explains a lot. He chuckled a bit. Try to get up now. He asked her.
Espeon: "its not gonna work,I've tried 3 times."She put her front paws on his chest,then pushed off of him. "Oh nevermind."

In Love With The Darkiness (Umbreon X Espeon)Where stories live. Discover now