Chapter One

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Jordanne's POV

"Can I kill Bayani?" I asked Lilly. We were supposed to be going to sleep, but alas, we couldn't.

"No," She told me. "He may be annoying but we can't kill him."

"But we can use him as bait," I complained. "I mean, we can use his plan, but he would be the bait. I don't have any problems with anyone else, it's just him."

"You know we can hear you right?" Bayani asked from the boy side.

"No duh," I said. "All that's separating us is a flimsy curtain." After I said that, I hit the curtain and ended up smacking Bayani in the face. I smiled at that.

"I wish we used you as bait," Bayani said. "At least then we'd all get along."

"You know what, I wouldn't mind that," I said. "At least I wouldn't have to deal with a guy like you anymore."

"Guys," Dylan interrupted. "Stop fighting, go to sleep. Please."

Listening to Dylan, I was quiet for the rest of the night.


"Jordanne!" Dylan shouted. I jumped up.

"What?" I yawned.

"The bas--" Dylan shouted, being interrupted by an explosion. My eyes got wide.

"We're safe, right?" I shouted. Dylan kept silent. "Dylan, they can't get it, am I correct?" Silence. "Dylan, answer the damn question. Are we safe or not?"

"I'm afraid not little lady," Bayani said behind me. "I mean, it's kind of obvious."

"Bayani!" Lilly yelled. "Now's not the time to pick a fight. There is a Wither outside and we could all die right here right now."

"Sorry," Bayani said. "It's ju--"

"It's just that a Wither is busting through the freaking base you idiot," I yelled over the explosions. "Lilly, did you get in contact with the other team?"

"Yes," she said.

"Can we make it over there in time?" I asked.

"With the Wither out there, probably not," Bayani said. "We're going to die anyways. Well, goodbye everyone."

"Bayani," I said in a sweet voice. "Listen, um, I am not like you. Instead of fleeing and dying in a cowardly way, I am actually going to go down swinging. I'm going up there. See you in Hell guys."

"Jordanne, no!" I heard Lilly and Dylan shout behind me.

"Don't go up there," Lilly said. I looked back at her. She had a smirk on her face. "Without me."

"Guys this is stupid," Bayani yelled. "It's safest down here."

"For once I agree with Bayani," Dylan said. "Guys, please come back down here now."

"We're fighting," I said.

"Whatever," Bayani smirked. "It's their loss."

"Okay," Dylan said in a stern voice. "I am sick and tired of this. Jordanne, Lilly, get down here now, I'm not telling you again. Bayani, stop trying to pick fights with Jordanne, god damnit. Jordanne, stop trying to pick fights with Bayani. Both of you, stop responding to each other. Lilly, you're the only one that hasn't drove me crazy yet. Bayani, Jordanne, you guys are cool, but really? Do you guys need to fight all the time?"

I kept my mouth quiet.

"What I am trying to say is that there is a Wither up there and you two fighting isn't going to help us come up with a plan. Also, Jordanne and Lilly, we need you two, I am not letting you two go up there and die."

Lilly climbed down followed by me jumping off the ladder.

"Are we clear?" Dylan asked. It was followed by head nods. He returned to his normal voice. "Okay, so, plans?"

"Well, we can try to not get sighted," I suggested.

"Isn't that already the goal?" Bayani interrupted.

"Until it gets bored and goes away," I continued. "We can start by maybe hiding under the beds or something, I don't think he can get through her--" explosion. "Here yet. It's a pretty big robot, so it would need some time and that helps us get time to come up with a real plan."

"Okay, anyone else?" Dylan asked. If someone had a plan they didn't speak up. "No? Well, then we're going with Jordanne's plan. Let's go."

So we hid under the beds until we heard the explosions fade away. We had been trying to come up with a plan, but we couldn't.

"Is it safe?" Lilly asked.

"I don't know, maybe someone should go out there and check," Dylan suggested.

"I vote that Bayani goes out there," I said. Bayani gave me the evil eye. "Joking, maybe. I'll go out there and see if the Wither is gone. Stay here."

I walked over to the opening that had been enlarged by the Wither explosions.

I was about to yell to the others that it was safe when a face popped in the entrance and scared me half to death.



Hello fellow humanoids! Oh god, take the keyboard away from me. Anywho, this isn't a very good chapter, but I still hop you liked it. If you did, leave a vote, comment, maybe even recommend it to some friends? Anyways, hope you have a wonderful day or night!

Until next chapter.

-Jordanne (Fellow Humanoid)

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