Chapter Ten

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Lilly's POV

I'm on patrol with Graser. H and Tomahawk took a different area to be on lookout. Everyone else has their own things to do, and this was ours. 

I have no clue what Bayani, Dylan, and Jordanne are doing since they're on night shift. Maybe sleeping, maybe just hanging out. I know Parker and Stacy are switching off shifts going in and out of shops to collect supplies. Since we have two medics and no one is hurt right now, it's okay to let someone go out for a bit to take a look at the few shops near our base.

"So," Graser said. "Since we're out here with nothing to do, let's chat." He smiled.

"About?" I asked. I had been a fan of this group for a long time, and it's still insane to think that I'm having a conversation with a guy I've looked up to forever. And we're working together. Wow.

Graser shrugged. "I saw you in the games. How'd you end up doing?" He asked.

"I'd say we did pretty good...we took out Bayani as our last big hazzah." I said, still looking around. No way was I going to let my guard down.

"I heard him complain about that. How'd you do it?" He asked another question.

Then I realized what I was doing. How it all started. Why it was started.

"Shit," I said. "I released a Wither on him." I said quietly. "It was my fault this mess happened."

"What? I doubt that. If you just released a wither with an egg, then you couldn't have been able to tell that this would have happened. This was a creators problem." Graser told me.

I opened my mouth to say something but we went silent as we heard a branch crack. Graser and I drew our bows and didn't move an inch. We would want to get the advantage of the surprise, and not let anything find us.

The noise was getting closer. I saw it come around the corner, and pulled back my bow so it was fully drawn. Then it spoke.

"Don't shoot!" A girl yelled. "Please, please don't shoot." She's tall, and had blue hair with white ends. I released my bow a bit, but didn't put it down. I think Graser did the same.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I just need some help." She said, breathing heavily. "My friend was shot by a Wither. She needs help, she could be in danger." She told us.

Graser and I looked to each other, then back to the girl. "You guys got names?" I asked.

"I'm Rae, and my friend is Amelia. Can you please help me...she's hurt really badly." Rae said, like this was killing her.

"Where is your friend?" Graser asked.

"Right at the forest. We were hunted down by a few withers and didn't stop running. We managed to kill two, but the third one got a shot on Amelia and I killed it right after it shot her." She explained.

"I'll go get someone. You go with her." Graser told me.

I nodded and we headed our separate ways. I was now walking with Rae. Even though my bow isn't drawn, doesn't mean I've let my guard down. You can't trust anyone anymore.

We came to the forest. "Amelia?" Rae called you.

"Same place you left me!" A voice yelled.

We walked over and I saw the girl lying on the ground. Her leg was wrapped with some random thing they probably just found, but it didn't stop from blood coming out. She has dirty blonde hair, and color was drained from her face. Probably from the blood loss.

"Okay, we might be able to help." I said quietly.


"How did you even find these girls?" Bayani whispered to me.

"They found us." I shrugged. "Graser and I almost shot Rae."

"Why did you agree to help them?" He asked.

"We can't lose anymore people due to Withers." I told him. "She might not have made it if we didn't help." I sighed.

We went silent. "Are H and Tomahawk still on lookout?" He asked.

"Yeah, but a bit closer to the base. Since Graser and I are back here for the time being, we don't want them too far away." I said.

"That's a good point." Bayani nodded. "This shit is becoming more scary everyday."

I nodded. "Yeah. That's why we've got to stop it, and soon." I told him.

"How would we even do that?" He asked. "We don't really have any plans to leave the base."

"Then we damned well better make some plans." I told him. "We can't sit around hiding in some shops trying to kill them off. They're multiplying. We'll never get rid of them if we don't do anything, and they could spread even farther." I said.

Bayani went quiet for a second, but it looked like there was a lightbulb in his eyes. "What?" I asked.

"I had an idea." He said.

"Then say it, boy!" I said, getting a little excited.

"This started with one Wither, the one that killed me, that's the source!" He said. I tried to put together what he was saying, but all I did was make a confused face. "If we get to the source, we can figure out how to stop it!"

"You mean... Like a mother Wither?" I asked.

"Like the Queen Bee of a hive, a mother of fourteen kids, yes, the first Wither." He said.

I smiled. "That just might work."

Authors note
Hey guys!

Happy Friday!

Sorry updates have been so random lately, like Jordanne said last chapter, we've been busy. School, no inspiration/motivation yada, yada, yada.

But thank you for reading this chapter! If you enjoyed, please leave a vote!

See you next Friday! Happy reading :)

Keep smiling guys, it looks great on you!


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