Part 5

202 21 19

Meto P.O.V

Finally. Finally. Finally, it was the day. And I was ready. I knew exactly where I was to meet him, and exactly what to do. For once in my life, I was prepared and determined - and very, very happy.

I treated myself to a lie in - besides, I had nothing else to do with my morning. Plus, more sleep means better ability to compete with the threat of nerves getting the better of me. Yet, when I finally woke up at 13:02, I had already received a multitude of texts from my lover:

'MiA: So where are we meeting?'

'MiA: And why do you want to see me so much today?'

'MiA: I just had to move an interview opportunity to tomorrow because of you- you better have a good reason for this meet up that you seem so determined to have.'

'MiA: Are we even meeting today?'


I chuckled and unlocked my phone, replying,

'Relax, my darling. You will see me later. Under that Christmas tree in the park at 9pm.'

The massive Christmas tree I spoke of stood tall in a large park in the centre of town. It was never too busy there, and MiA told me of how he always used to visit it when he was younger as it would be decorated differently every year, which fascinated him as a child, and now. It was the perfect place to propose in winter.

After sending the message, I then got up, pulling Ruana-chan from the bed too and into my arms, hugging her close to my chest as I fetched my dressing gown. Cold morning.

My body now hunched over, I shuffled into my living room, setting Ruana down on our sofa and switched the TV on, only to discover Secret No.3 being blasted out of the speakers. Sleepily, I dragged my eyes up to view the screen and questioned myself as to why I had been watching the Visual Kei channel on TV. That wasn't like me. Turning somewhat lazily on my heels, I left Ruana to observe our crazy music video once more so that I could make a cup of coffee. But, before I entered the kitchen, my ears picked up,


What were they saying about us?

I twisted around, still clutching my sides as a defence to the immense cold.

"So, they're number 2 in the charts? How does that make you feel?"

A reporter was stood in the light snow somewhere on a busy street, one gloved hand clutching a black microphone, and she gazed intently at the teenagers next to her. One girl exclaimed, almost making the reporter jump,

"Oh, I'm so proud! They really deserve all of the support they have received from both fans and bands worldwide!"

Eh? Wait - 2nd in the charts?!

My face lit up. This day will be even better than I predicted! I ran back into my bedroom and grabbed my phone, texting MiA,

'Number 2?!'

And a reply appeared straight away,

'You didn't know?! It happened last night! My phone won't stop ringing due to the huge amounts of people congratulating us and companies demanding interviews, and stores wanting to have in-store events. Why doesn't Ito-san help me out?! I'm just a guitarist!'

I could almost hear the whining tone of his voice in the text message, and I giggled softly to myself, before forming a reply,

'Darling, meet me later and forget them all. We can celebrate in our own way.'

'I like the sound of that~'

Ah, he was oblivious of my plans! This was going so well!

My face still beaming with sheer delight at the news, I skipped back into the kitchen, my step becoming dainty dance as I moved around. I flicked on the coffee machine and slid a mug under it, before striding back out to Ruana, joining in with Secret No.3 before the song was over,

"Secret Fairy Tale! Secret Fairy Tale!"

And Koichi was shown on the TV, his curly pink hair bouncing as he mimicked what was being sung by Tsuzuku. We were becoming successful and it made me ecstatic. Ruana had fallen to one side slightly, and I lifted the bear up again, gently, cradling her in my arms before hearing the DING~ of the coffee machine, and childishly, I raced over to it, receiving the steaming beverage and carrying it back to the sofa, Ruana wedged between my left arm and my chest.

After gently placing the mug down on my coffee table, I kneeled on the sofa, tucking my freezing feet under myself and sitting on them to heat them up as efficiently as I could. Ruana still wedged not-so-comfortably under one arm, I lifted my coffee again and held it steady, inhaling the comforting scent it let off and taking a slow sip of the liquid.

Today. I will propose to MiA. I will propose to him. I am going to propose. Do you understand what this means to me? Not only am I finally going to propose to him, I'm also going to be very brave and strong. I will not mess it up.

I then spent the next hour repeatedly checking my phone for updates from MiA about our song, and the occasional upbeat messages from both Tsuzuku and Koichi too, until at 14:30, I decided to get off of my lazy ass and have a shower. And I did so. Skipping happily into the bathroom, I set Ruana down on the closed toilet lid and turned on the shower, waiting for the water to run warm before I stepped in.

Steam rose quickly in the little bathroom as I lathered up my hair, and I enjoyed the comforting heat of the water which trickled across my pale tattooed skin. A sigh of contentedness rushed from my lips as I rinsed out my hair and began soaping up my body. My stomach was still buzzing, and I knew it wouldn't stop as today was going to be a big day. Occasionally, I needed to remind myself of Koichi's words,

"...this will be the happiest day of his life... besides your wedding day!"

And then the wild thoughts of a romantic, yet super awesome wedding day for us popped up in my mind, and I shuddered with delight, and my eyes almost welled up with tears of happiness and pride.

My dreams will finally become a reality.


I went to London at the weekend with a bear I had turned into a Ruana lookalike xD it felt awesome being like Meto hahaha~ Sorry for the shitty updates I have exams next week and im ill and im super busy but please vote comment follow share and tell me that you want me to write more about TsuKoi because so many people have asked me to xD

Forever (Book 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora