Part 4

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Meto P.O.V

It was one of those weeks where every single thing I did dragged on painfully. I felt like a child who was counting down until Christmas morning way too early. Time went by at such a slow rate.

Rehearsals. Eating. Watching TV. Practicing. Recording. Drinking. Sex. Sleeping.

No matter what I did, the anticipation was taking over. I was so ready to kneel down... speak those four (maybe five if I start with, "MiA...") words. And smiling was something I enjoyed doing, and I was doing lots of it non-stop.

"Meto..?" The grin on my face was almost painful, "METO!"


"Are you listening?"

Koichi folded his arms and pouted when he realised I was lost in yet another daydream.

"Sorry Ko-chan~" I apologised and smiled sweetly at the older man, before forcing myself to concentrate on his voice.

"Look, I'll repeat myself for the last time, okay?" I nodded innocently, feeling bad about annoying him, "To make sure everything goes well on Saturday, I'll stay nearby. If there's a problem – although I doubt there will be – you can text me and I'll try to help out. Yes?"

Although I wished to do it alone, we both knew my nerves could easily get the better of me, and so I agreed to have Koichi nearby. And after thinking about my tendency to get overly anxious, I realised the seemingly endless possibilities of things going wrong. What if I can't say it? What if I'm late? What if he can't make it? What if...

My palms started to sweat and self-doubt rose inside me.

"I promise you," But of course, Koichi picked up on my change in mood, and as he spoke more his low, caring voice managed to calm me slowly, "Nothing will go wrong. I know both of you so well and you're perfect for each other. Really – you don't even need me there. MiA loves you more than anything in the world and I can guarantee this will be the happiest day of his life... besides your wedding day!"

I giggled at the thought of the perfect wedding of me and MiA. I needed that day to come fast!

"Anyway! I better be off! Tsuzuku wants me for something – and you know how impatient he can get!"

The man stood up from my sofa, which we had been sat on for the past hour and a half to talk about proposals and MiA and happiness. He then stretched his tall body, and I cringed as I heard his long spine click several times. The bassist laughed and placed a hand on my head, ruffling my hair,

"Goodbye Meto-chan, thank you for the tea!"

He also patted Ruana's head, who had been sat in my lap the entire time, and she still smelled slightly of Koichi's hot chocolate from last week. I then stood too and took his mug from him, setting it down on my coffee table, before following him as he made his way to my front door, grabbing a few more pink biscuits on his way out and stuffing them in his mouth, scattering crumbs everywhere as he attempted to speak once again,

"I'll see you Saturday then! Bye byes!"

"Bye Koichi-san~!" I sang timidly as he skipped away happily down the stairs of the apartment block, and then I shut the door, sighing contentedly and smiling.

I'm going to marry MiA.

I searched my pockets for my phone, finally pulling it out, and immediately dialling MiA's number.

And he immediately answered, "Meto?!"

I jumped at the sudden exclamation of my name coming from the rarely used speakers.

"MiA... W-what's... wrong..?" I asked quietly.

"N-nothing! It's just you never ring anyone – so I was worried you were in trouble!"


"Hmm maybe I just take after you..." The guitarist mocked playfully, "So – what are you even calling for?"

"U-uhh... Oh!" I was bad at the whole phone call thing, "Can I spend time with you?"

"Stupid!" He chuckled, "Of course – I'm not busy. Can I come over now?"


"Okay! I'll be there shortly! See you then!"

"Okay... by—" and he hung up.

I was always awkward during phone calls no matter who they were to. I mean – what do you do when you run out of conversation? What happens when you can't see their face to tell if they're being sarcastic or not? What if the line breaks up and you have to repeatedly yell "WHAT?!" idiotically and strangers start judging?

Shrugging to myself, I laughed off the nervous-phone-call-thoughts that had filled my mind. I carried the two empty mugs, which Koichi and I had been using, into the kitchen and placed them in the sink to be washed up later with other plates and dishes. Then, I returned to the living room to finish off the plate of biscuits that we had been munching on. And, not too long later, I heard the jangling of various keys outside my front door. (MiA had the spare key to my apartment).

Pretending to be asleep, I curled up in a ball on the sofa and shut my eyes, discreetly chewing the remains of a pink biscuit.

"I see you eating!" An upbeat voice sounded above me, and I smiled as I opened my eyes again, only to see my beautiful boyfriend leaning over me and grinning wildly. He then leaned down slowly and planted a tiny, but very loving kiss on my forehead, and I responded by wrapping my thin arms around his neck gently, encouraging him closer to kiss me more.

"Hmm you've always liked upside down kisses haven't you," he chuckled before continuing his cute acts of love, planting tiny kisses all over my now flushed face.

"MiAAA~," I whined childishly as I was getting slightly embarrassed. He paused,


Before carrying on with his attack of kisses: a kiss on my forehead, then on my nose, then briefly on my lips, my chin, my neck, my chest, until I batted him away playfully, covering my face with my hands to hid the redness.

A rush of colder air swept across my body when the guitarist finally stood up straight again. I sighed sadly as I secretly longed for him to continue.

"Ne, let me make a drink, okay? Then we can do whatever we want!" He smiled sweetly, even showing his adorable little teeth, and I nodded happily, rolling my body over and sitting up to watch his sexy body strut out of the room into the kitchen.

"I'll have a hot chocolate, please!" I suddenly called out to him, smirking with pride at my outburst of confidence.

And that sent MiA into a frenzy: he loved my 'loud voice'. He often said it was like my 'secret manly side' or my 'other sexiness'. I had no idea what he meant. But most of the time nobody did. Because MiA was always in his own world of 'NYANCOJIRU!'

I then laughed as he shouted back, "Of course, my darling!"

Sometimes, just sometimes, I believed that one day I maybe could speak normally.

Ive been thinking about writing a dark story about why Meto has a form of social anxiety in my stories but I don't know... And does anyone else relate to Meto with the phone calls?! I do! I HATE THEM xD (And Skype calls and facetime and everything else)
Anyway, please please please comment and vote and follow and tell your friends about the ship that is sailing far. THANKS!!

Forever (Book 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora