Royal Relief

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There was a sudden knocking on the window, that was no wind nor creature, that awoke everyone who decided to sleep inside the car. Rox was the first to jolt up, looking out the window, but hopeless since they were painted over. She rolled the crank tentatively, only enough for her to see whom it was.

"Excuse me?" a pre-teen, her eyes the most cerulean of blues jailed behind square-rimmed glasses, smiled a curious smile at a fearful Rox. Her anxiety deflated like a balloon with a sigh of relief, and she unrolled the window further down. "Are you stuck?"

"Hey kid...what are you doing here so early? Are you lost?" they ask each other at the same time. Rox laughs, and opens the door.

"I'm Crystal Rune." She took a step back, noticing Rox's tattoos, "I...kind of come here very often."

"Yeah? That's cool...hey, do you have any idea where we are right now?"

"Have you been drinking and driving?" she gasps.

"God, no. Of course not. I'm a responsible adult..."

"Are you lying to me?"


"Nobody wants to tell me the truth about that kind of thing because they think I'm too young to understand their crap. But hey, I'm twelve! Better early than too late, am I right?" Crystal snorts, pushing her glasses up her nose.

"I'm not...lying to you." Rox spoke gently, "we were on our way a friend of ours, and then out of nowhere, the car goes complete berserk! I couldn't take control of the steering wheel or the speeds! And it drove us in circles and around the city until it was too dark to see anything and it ran out of gas."

"Doesn't your car have any lights?" She snorts again, taking in the silly car once more, then shaking her head, "oh, I know what you guys are! You're entertainers!" Rox cringes, slapping her face.


"So you're telling me, that your car got somehow possessed or something an-"

"Yes! That's exactly how I would describe it!" Rox points at her, "you, miss, are a genius!"

"And you miss, are one wacky entertainer!"

"What's goin' on?" Chester yawns and slides out of the car, reaching down to touch her toes as she stretched. "Who this?"

"I'm Crystal Rune. You must be a friend of this entertainer." She curtsies politely.

"Whoa, man. What's with all the special treatment?" If one couldn't believe that Chester could get any grumpier, they haven't seen her in the morning.

"That's Chester. I'm Rox." She guestured to her rude acquaintance, who turned her back and walked into the car, slamming the door.

"Do you guys need any help?" Crystal stares at the slammed car door and finally speaks up, "A lift, some name it."

"Probably some coffee first." Rox laughs.

"Sorry to let you down, but I'm not allowed to drink any of that. I do have some tea in a cottage of mine not very far away."

"You were being serious!" Rox laughs nervously, "Of course..." Crystal huffs herself, adjusting the big blue bow holding her hair together.

"Hey, I'm a technological genius you know."

"A technological genius?" Rox smirks, playfully. "Well whadya know."

"You''re a punk right?" she stutters, pointing at Rox's piercing and tattoos.

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