Part 3 :)

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Hi guys!! What did you think of my last part? Please comment or inbox me! I will replay!! Anyhoo, lets get to it!!

Louis POV

I causally walk up to Masiy's locker, grinning as I thought about my plan. I reached my destination. I took the items out of my jean pocket, and slipped it inside the locker, then ran away, like a burgler would have. I see Masiy and her friends approch the lockers. The next thing I hear is a squeal. Bingo, I thought. My plan worked! I began to skip down the hallway, with people staring at me strangely. All well, I am, so they need to get a grip!

Masiy POV

"Did you guys hear that? Zyan asked me to dance last night!" Mary screamed, making us all deaf.

"Mary, please!" Olive said, clutching her ear.

I laughed,as I find things funny.

We reach the lockers. I open mine and a HUGE bag of Skittles fall onto the floor, a note attached. I squealed at the top of my lungs. In the distance I hear laughter, but I shake it off.

"Omg Masiy, are you ok?" Clara asks me, concerned.

"Yes, better than ok!" I replay, as calmly as I can.

"Read this I say, tossing her the bag and note.

"Wow! The note says:

Dear Masiy,

I heard that you like Skittles, so I bought you a little prezzie. Enjoy!

Can't wait to see you in Drama!!

From you secret admirer!

Xxxxxxoooo :)

"Oh my goodness!" Clara cried

"I know right!" I say, nearly in tears, I'm SO happy!!


So, there you go!! Did you enjoy it? Please please tell me what you think! Also I'd like to thank Aiesha13 for commenting on both parts! Go and follow her!!

Thanks again!! <3

Luv u!

Courtz :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2013 ⏰

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