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     " I'll miss you so much! " Bambino screamed and hugged Mich. She hated the fact that she has to leave. She hugged everyone before looking at her new parents for the first time. The woman looks like a living porcelain doll. The man looks like a young Santa Claus. Bambino got into the black Ford and stared out the window. She waved as they drove away. " Please bluckle up, Bambino. " Mrs. Garrison asked. She buckled. " Please, call us mom and dad. " the man said. Bambino didn't feel comfortable. " Say, can we call you Bambi? " mom asked. Well, they're nice.

     " Sure! Where are we going?! " Bambi asked happily. Dad smiled. " We're going home. I hope you like pink because your mother went overboard with it! " mom giggled. I smiled. " I don't mind! " Bambi replied. It was a long ride home. All Bambi did was talk about the patients at the hospital. Mom drove into the driveway. " Alright, let's show you around. " Dad said excitedly. The house is a huge stone mansion. The whole house is modern and classic. There's a huge backyard and pool. " You wanna see your room? " mom asked. " Of course I do! " Bambi shouted before doing a back flip onto the couch. Dad laughed. They walked upstairs and walked down the hallway. Well, Bambi ran and did somersaults down the hall. They turned left and opened the door at the end of the hall.

     When mom opened the door, the pink flashed out of the door. It blinded all three of them. The room looks like a Valentines edition Barbie doll threw up on her room. Everything's white, pink, or red. Hearts are everywhere. It isn't Bambi's style at all. Well, a room's a room! It is turning night, so mom made some hot chocolate and tucked Bambi into bed. " Alright, let's pray. " dad said. The three of them prayed. Bambi just sat their with her eyes closed. Religion isn't her thing. Bambi's parents left and Bambi layed down in her bed. " This isn't me at all. I miss Mama. ". Bambi remembers when she first failed the fight. That's when she still could feel pain.

     _-_-_ Bambino's POV -_-_-_

     I was being pulled by my long hair. The pulling made my head sore. I thought my hair would just rip right out of the scalp. Mama grabbed my forearm forcefully and threw me in my little cage. Her long fingernails dug into my arm. It stung and I could feel the blood running down my arm. It made the sleeve of my shirt stick to my arm. It caused my arm to sting. I tried my best to ignore the painful stinging. " How many Good Girl Points did I get? " I asked, hoping it would be high. Mama looked at me with disgust. I knew it was the end of me. " You got only 70. Do you know what that gets you? " she asked me. I smiled, hoping it would make Mama happy. I let a tear fall out. " What do I get? I'm begging of you, Mama I want to know! ". She smiled. She likes it when I beg.

     I felt scared. I didn't know what was coming for me. Like all humans, we fear the unknown. We hear something in the dark and think it's a bad guy or a spooky monster. My arm stung less when I pressed the skin by the cut. I felt very little relief. " This is what you get! " she said, grabbing a hammer and a bolt. It looked like the bolts on Frankenstein's neck! I wanted to have it because I thought it looked cool. But it was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. She hammered the bolt into my tailbone. I'm lucky I can still walk. It felt like my legs were being crushed by boulders, my stomach was going to explode, and my heart almost bursted. I screamed and cried. My throat was dry and my vocal cords hurt.

     I had to take the rusty bolt out. Then I sewed my hole closed with a needle I found and some red thread. I knew I was weak. So I just welcomed the pain to become stronger. Now, I'm as strong as can be!


Needles and Thread ( My own Creepypasta )Where stories live. Discover now