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The doctor spoke to Bambino again. " Bambino, can I talk to you for a second? " he asked. Bambino nodded yes and got up. " Why is your one eye green and unusable? " he asked. Bambino smiled. " You want the honest answer!? " she asked. The doctors looked at each other. " Yes, please. " the girl doctor said. Bambino is more than happy telling stories about herself. " Well, I only got 80 Good Girl Points, so Mama gouged my eye out and told me to go find another one. So I found this pretty green one! " she said. " Do you want to see what I can do!? " This scared the doctors very much. They didn't reply. Bambino popped her green eye out of her hole and she screamed. She didn't evrn use her hands. The doctors jumped up from their chairs. Bambino popped her eyeball back into her hole. She fell face first to the ground and it popped in through the impact. " That's amazing, isn't it!? " she asked.

The doctors got Bambino a pillow and blanket to sleep in. She slept with her stuffed doll. The next morning, Bambino ate some toast and jam. " That was awesome! " she yelled. " I can't believe she's 15 years old and still acts like that! " the doctor whispered. " Well, she wasn't raised right. We need to teach her right from wrong. " the female doctor said. " We'll order a shock collar. " the other doctor said. The two doctors watched Bambino play. Bambino began to roll around on the ground again. She started to scream bloody murder. " What's wrong!? " the doctors asked. Bambino's eye popped out again. " My body itches! It needs to be scratched! " she screamed. " Just wait until it passes. We can't take your straight jacket off until you are better! " the doctor said. Bambino began to run into all of the walls. She did this for thirty minutes until she started to roll on all of the walls. " How long until she calms down? " the girl doctor asked.

" Calm!? I can show you calm! " Bambino yelled and began to run into walls again. This went on for about an hour until she tripped and fell. " I feel much better! " she yelled. The doctors sighed in relief. " The shock collar will be here soon. " the other doctor said. After ten minutes the collar was here. The doctors put the collar on Bambino. " What is this thing!? " Bambino asked. " It's a collar. It'll help you become a good girl. " Bambino began to scream louder than before. She screamed so loud the microphones screeched from the screaming.

" I don't want a collar! I'm not a dog! Mama would never do this! I'm already a good girl! I'm Mama's good girl! " Bambino continued to scream. " Calm down! " the doctor yelled. Bambino began to roll around the floor randomly again. The doctor began to speak. " Our mistake, Bambino, it's a necklace only good girls can have! So that means you're a good girl. But the shock will help you become an even better good girl so you can get more Good Girl Points for Mama. ". Bambino sat up. She smiled.

" I wanna be a gooder girl! ".

Needles and Thread ( My own Creepypasta )Where stories live. Discover now