Scars and Stitches

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" Of course I want honest answers. " he said. Bambino began to jump on the couch again. " Okay. I got this one when I ate Mama's food. " she showed him the stitch on her lower lip. Bambino ran over to the bookcase. " I got this one when I only got 30 Good Girl Points. " Bambino took off her white button up shirt. She had her black tank top on. It was the long stitch on her arm. " I got this one when I was outside and got mud on my feet and went inside the house and got Mama's carpet messy! " Bambino showed him her stitch on her leg. " I also got this one when I only got 50 Good Girl Points. " Bambino ran to the window and showed Mr. Yosmo the one on her back. Bambino stood on the chair she sat in and stood on the table. " And this one I made because I was bored! " she showed Mr. Yosmo the rose on her hand.

" Can I pee now?! " Bambino began to dance on his table, knocking everything over. " How old are you? " Mr. Yosmo asked. Bambino got mad. " Oh dear, please don't think ill of me when I do this. " Bambino said, taking out the knife she keeps in her pants. It's a pocket knife. She cut Mr. Yosmo's face and the officer grabbed Bambino. Bambino bit the officer's finger. Bambino ran to Mr. Yosmo and stabbed him in the shoulder. The officer threw her at the bookcase. The pocket knife is still in Mr. Yosmo's shoulder. " She's insane! She's not normal! Get her to the hospital! " Mr. Yosmo yelled before the officer leaped to get Bambino. Bambino jumped away and landed on the couch. The officer had enough of the horseplay, so he used his tazer on Bambino.

Bambino isn't used to the shock, so she blacked out. But, before she did, she heard the officer yell, " It was too high! We need a doctor! ". When Bambino woke up again, she was in a plain white room. The only thing in it is a speaker and a microphone. There's a window with three doctors watching Bambino. She tried to move, but she's in a straight jacket. " What are you all doing here? Wait... What am I doing here? " Bambino asked. The doctor replied to her. " We are just going to observe your behavior. " he said. Bambino smiled. " I'll give ya a beautiful show, doctor! " she yelled out.

Bambino began to roll around randomly on the floor, saying random things. " I will save you, my love! " Bambino yelled. The doctors have no idea of what she's doing. " Bambino, what are you doing? " the female doctor asked. Bambino sat up. " I'm playing Pretty Pretty Princess. " she said. The doctors looked at each other. " Would you like something to play with, Bambino? " he asked. Bambino smiled and nodded. They gave her a stuffed doll and a huge foam cube. " Thank you! " she yelled.

Bambino talked to the doll as if she were the princess. " Yes, my princess! " Bambino said before jumping and landing on her chest. " What are you doing, Bambino? " the doctors asked. Bambino didn't get up. " I'm finding my princess a spoon! " she said. " Why a spoon? " the female doctor asked. " So she can scoop the servant's eye out for only getting 80 Good Girl Points! " she replied and continued to play. The doctors are disturbed.

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