The Visionary

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                                                               chapter 1

                                            how r u today ..... and for ever


                 i was walking down the hallway of my apartment i was only 17 but i had a job.

 it had been an unusually long day that day but it could have been the full moon of the cold winter night.

  then i was startled by the sudden noise of a wolf or dog howling ,and saw this man in all black

 running fast toward me ......suddenly it went all black....then in a sudden jolt i was awake.  a dream just a dream ,but very real.




i looked at the time on my alarm clock..... i was late for school. as i ran to the school i tripped , fell, and blood oozed out wildly. i suddenly got very light headed , i was dizzy,and i had the sudden thurst for blood .... human blood. i guessed it was because i had skipped breakfast that morning,but the thurst kepped getting stronger and stronger day after day was no no i couldn't be ......well mabye i no no that's stupid..... but it was true............i was a Vampire! 




as i got to school i saw this guy I've never seen any one like  him with his hansomness in my life maybe he was new but i didn't care i waved and smiled when he looked. i asked if he was new and he said " yea i am " i smiled and said me to maybe we could walk around  and show each other around he said " ok " and off we went. 

when we got to chemistry we decided to be lab partners , but i couldn't help but notice a girl in all black , a black shirt that said " emo is love," and her hair was black with red tips. i asked criss ( the new guy ) if he had any idea who that was.( cuz to be honest it was just my second day at this school so i had no idea )..he said "no but i heard that she goes by the name " "Electra." so i said " ok" then i went over to her desk to say hi when i said hi i felt my eyes go blood shot real quick .  she looked at me for a long time i was afraid that she had seen my eyes go blood shot. then she said hi with a smirk on her  face. i was afraid to ask but it slipped out " why are you looking at me like that" then all the people ( accept criss) gasped ,and it got quiet. all she did was sit there so i just went to go sit as i turned she grabbed my arm she threw the chair across the room at the teacher then she slammed me in to the locker then to my left i saw criss come up stand between me and her . he looked at her , and through  the mirror across the room i saw his eyes quickly turn yellowish then back to blue . " that was weird " i thought, but considering how fast my heart was beating i was afraid they could hear me. then she leaned toward me and said " you got lucky this time chic , and i know your secret.


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