The Hunt

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Bella POV

I got to his jeep and we went in the middle of the woods to play baseball.

"Since when vampires like baseball?"

"It's just my family love to play baseball when it have a thunder storm."

So we went to the field.

"OK guys the storm is coming."said Alex

So they started playing the game and I now realize why they need the thunder. So the game was going good but at the last round they threw the ball then they heard something Edward tried to take me away but it was to late they already show up.

"Put your hair down."
"Like if that will work I could still smell her across the field."

They arrived.

"Is this yours?"
"Yeah thanks."
He threw the ball.

"Can we play please just 1 game."


As I turned around but at the same time the wind blew and raised up my hair and Liam smell me.

"I see you brought a snack."

Then war brake out between them.

"I see the game is over so we will go."

So they leave but Edward had a bad feeling about James so he carried me to his jeep to go way from hear he tired to put on my seatbelt.

"OK I got it!"

He then got in to the jeep carrying me home.

"I have to get you out of town."
"So now their going to kill me... Take me home."

"You can't that will be the first place he will look."

"But my dad is there."
"He'll be find."
"No I'm not leaving him."

"I said it's over Edward!" I slammed the door In his face.

"Bella Bella what happen did he hurt you?"

"So what happened ? did he brake up with you."

"No dad I brake up with him."

"Are you OK?"

"Yeah dad I think I should go home now."

After I said what I had say and left with Edward.

"Your dad is gonna forgive you."

"No I don't think so I told him the same thing my mom said when she was living."

Then I hared a nose coming from the back of my truck and I so scared.

"Relax it's just Emmet."

As I looked back I saw the whole family following Edward and they were taking me to their house to stay until it was safe.

But as we arrived Carlisle and Laurent was their Edward was going to pick a fight with him.

"No he's here to warn us."

"Yes I am here to warn you about James he will not stop until he get he's prize so just be careful."


We was in their garage with all their cars. After we left Edward, Emmet and Rosie was covering up my tracks while Alex and Jasper was keeping me at a hotel room watch me.

5 Minutes Later

Alex got a vision and she was sketching out the place were he was going to be.

"So he's going to at my old dance building ."

"Wait you know this place?"

Same time I got a phone call from James saying to met him at my old dance building  also to don't tell nobody or he will kill my mom.




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