The Flowers

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Oksana POV

A while later done feeding Ashton, Edward father came in his room looking for him.

"Edward I want u to come help me in the kitchen please thank you."

"Um yeah sure."

"OK bye," he smiled and kiss Ashton on his for head.

2 Hours Past

Edward came up to his room same time Ashton was already asleep and I got a phone call from my mother.

"Is everything alright?"
"Yes I have to go tomorrow," then I kissed Ashton good bye.

I left and went trow the portal to reach home faster as I was threw the portal I saw my bother outside with his friends smoking.

"Luke and friends since when you smoke?"

"Sis your back."
"Yeah where's mom?"

"You just missed her."

"Or..... Hey guys can I get high with you."


The Next Day

I waked up and it was 9:30 a.m and I look at my phone and I saw 59 missed called form Edward but I did not study so I never call him back I just hop in the shower and put on a long pink jeans , a white top and blue flats.

After I make my way outside going threw the portal, before going threw my brother stopped me.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't go threw i have some thing to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Ashton is dead."


"I don't know mom maybe founded out."

Then we both went threw the portal and I ran to Edward house and opened the door and I was trails of blood so I followed it and I was screaming out "Edward!"

Also the blood trails lead up to Edward bedroom and I opened the and I saw Ashton in his crib dead with a stake in his chest........ Ashton then I fated. 

A Few Hours Later

I waked up seeing my bother,  Edward and his family their watching me.

"What happened?"

"U pasted out."

So set up on the couch and my brother hand me a glass of water clamming me down then I popped the question.

"Who killed my baby Edward?" 

"Your father."

"My father," I said with a laugh.

"OK let's all go in a different room so they can talk."said my brother

"Look I know your upset I'm to."

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