The Baby

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After Edward came speeding with is car and stop them.

"Get in the car." He said to her.
"That was a real dangerous thing to do."said one of the gang members.

So Edward started looking at them dead in their eyes so they ran away after Edward got in the car and drive off with speed.

"I should go back there and rip their head off."said Edward.
"What no!said Bella.
"Distracted me so I will not turn around and rip their head off.
"You should put your seat belts on."she said.
"He laughed,you should but your seat belts on."he said.

After they went by the restaurant Jessica and Angela was talking about earlier.

"I'm going to kill here."said Jessica.
"Hey guys."said Bella.
"Bella we waited up for you but we was hungry so we order food."said Jessica .
"I'm so sorry Bella was late,and I'll make sure Bella get some thing to eat also will make sure she get home safe."he told them.

Then Edward and Bella went into the restaurant together and got a table for two and sat down. At the same time the waitress came over handing them the menu also checking out Edward.

"So how did you know were I was"asked Bella.
"I can't tell you." He replied.

So Bella got up from the table to go but he grab her by her arm.

"Please don't go." He told her.

Then she sat back down.

"So how did you found me did you followed me?"she asked.
"I feel like I have to watch over you to protect you after the accident."he explained to her.
"So you followed me."she said.
"Yes!" He answer back.
"So why did you leave there so they can hurt me?she asked.
"You don't know what they was thinking." He replied.
"And you know,what like you can read mines?"she asked.
"Yes."he said.
"Prove it."she said.

Same time the waitress came with there food again looking at him then she left. After Edward told Bella what everyone was thinking about but all but not you Bella's he couldn't read her mine even he didn't wanted to he can't.

"Is there's some thing wrong with me?"she asked.
"So there's nothing wrong to read mines to you, and your asking if there's some ting wrong with you." He said.

An hour had past and they was finish with there meal so they are going home now,so they got into the car and it was do cold so when was going to turn it down they both touch it and when Bella hit his hand it felt so cold.

"You're hand is really cold."she said.

He didn't say any thing and he drop her home then she went into her room to read the book she bright then she found a word then she looked it up on Google.

Then she saw India and Cuba , after she saw paragraph and stories on how they hunt and feel she saw strength,cold pale -skin,change of color eyes and they drink blood. The same night I was home with my brother telling him that I having taste for blood then he told me that I have powers and he told me about my fathers I didn't believed him.

"What are there names,my fathers?" I asked.
"Well Victor, William and Liam." He said.

I was so mad because my mother didn't tell me any thing also my brother will be was going to train me but not to rough because of Ashton so we rocked back watching TV. The next day Bella was waiting for Edward and she was looking for him then she saw him so she walked past him so he followed her deep into the woods they finally reached.

"I know what you are."she said.
"Say it...say it loud say it!" He said with a rage tone.
"Vampire."she said.
"You know that so answer this basic question, what do we eat?" He asked.
"Blood."she replied.

After Edward grab Bella.

"Where are we going?"she asked.
"You need to see me in the sun "he replied.

Then he put her on his back carrying her up the mountain side. So he UN botten his shirt then he went in the sunlight.
"Look at me."he said.
"Its like diamonds,there beautiful."she said.
"Beautiful no I'm a murderer."he said.

After he start acting crazy pulling gout tree branches and jumping to trees to trees also he told Bella try to catch him.

"We are not like the other vampires we only drink animal blood,but when I smell your blood I wanted to taste it so bad and I never felt for human blood before that way I stayed away from you."he explained.

So Bella climbed up the tree Edward was on.
"I don't care." She told him.

Also she was leading in for a kiss but Edward came down the tree walking away from her so she followed him so they talked for hours after Edward took Bella to the place we first made love for the first time so they both lay down on the beautiful green grass looking at each other.

I to was in the woods with my brother training and mastering how to use and controlling my powers after he took me to Edward house to see Dr. Cullen,so he knocked on the door and Dr. Cullen came to open it.

"Oksana what's a surprise,and who is this?"he asked.

"Hi I'm Luke."He said.
"He's my brother." I replied.

"So how can I help you ?"he asked.
"I want you to check the baby I think its to early for my belly to be showing so big."I said.

So he checked me up and the baby had done already had hands legs its head every thing like it was 8 months already also the baby was find.

"OK everything looks good your eating healthy so OK that's it."he said

"Oh yeah but its been only 2 weeks and my belly is bigger than a watermelon,so what going on?"I asked.

"Its look like the baby is growing every moon that's maybe why your bely is big."he said.

"OK thank you so must Dr. Cullen."said Luke .

Friday morning Bella friend was in the car park talking after Angela turned around with her camera then she saw Bella and Edward in his car together .

"Oh my God."said Angela.

Same time Edward come to open the door for Bella.

"You know everyone is searing at us right."she said.
"Yeah I'm braking all the rules anyways."he said.

And the walk past Mike, Eric, Angela and Jessica. So they start hanging out trying to know each other more.

So after every period they go up on the mountain side,but Bella was asking Edward more him like if he was born as a vampire and all about his pasted life before he became a vampire. They he answer all of them and jumped down the mountain .

The next day Bella was cleaning her turn and Edward jumped on it looking excited to see her.

"You know I have neighbours right."she said.
"I want you to have dinner with family?"he asked.
"Really do you think they will like me?"she asked.

"So your not worried that you will be in a house felled with vampires"he asked.
"OK I'll come."she said.
"Great tomorrow. The replied.

As he left Jacob and his dad was in there truck pasting near Edwards car looking at each other so they finally reached by Bella's house to have dinner with them.

Me on the other hang I WS home walking up the stairs to get to my bedroom I got a pain by my belly after I saw water dripping from me.

"Luke!Luke!"I yelled.
"What happen?"he asked.
"The baby is coming."I replied.

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