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Brian and I walked into the house and Jiana ran upstairs to her room I'm guessing.

"You like it?" Brian asked me and set me down on the couch in front of a flat screen tv on the wall.

"Baby I love it and I love you!" I said sitting on his lap and kissing him. He smiled and we sat on the couch for a little.

"Ready to get married?" I asked him. He smiled and looked at me

"Of course I am! I couldn't be with anyone better" He said kissing my lips passionatly.

I yawned and started to close my eyes and Brian picked me up and carried me upstairs to OUR bedroom.

"Night JiJi." Brian whispered to Jiana.

"Night Daddy" She whispered back.

We got into our room and he closed the door and layed me down on the bed.

I was gonna open my eyes and take off my dress but Brian beat me to it. 

He leaned me against him and pulled the zipper down and taking in a sharp breath.

I was trying to hide my smirk cause I didn't have a bra on so I was left in nothing but a thong.

"God.." I heard him  say low to himself.

He then took one of his shirts and pulled it over my head and layed me under the covers and soon got under also in his boxers.

"Night baby. I love you" Brian said kissing my cheek. I was gonna anwser but sleep took me before I could.


I woke up next morning and saw Brian sleeping and I smiled. I looked around the room and saw the walls were a deep purple and the covers were black. I saw his guitar on a stand in the corner. I then saw the closet in front of our bed and saw something familiar. I slowly got out of bed not to wake Brian and I walked over to it.

I saw all my clothes color cordinated and my heels on the other wall.And Brian's stuff was opposite of mine. How the hell did he get my stuff here? I smiled and turned around to see Brian standing there smiling.

"Like it?"

"Like it? I love it!" I said running to him and hugging him.


I kissed him and went into out bedroom and layed on the bed but not for long.

"I'M HUNGWYYYYY!" Brian whined like a little boy.

I giggled and got up but stopped.

"Show me the kitchen!"

He chuckled and we walked down the hall and to the kitchen.Jiana was sitting at the table waiting

"I'M HUNGWWYYY!"She whined just like Brian. I laughed and went to the stove and put a pan on it.

I made everyone pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

"OHH MY GOD! THESE ARE SOOO GOOD!" Brian said with a mouth full of pancakes.

Jiana and I giggled and finished our food. I wash putting the dishes in the dish washer when the door flew open.

"Here to plan a wedding people!" Val said and ran into the kitchen

"You scared me!" I said holding my chest and closing the dish washer.


She dropped a book which I guess was for the wedding. Brian looked at the book then at Val then at me and we just stared at eachother and Brian jumped out of the chair and ran up the steps taking two at a time.

Val and I glanced at each other and bursted out laughing. Brian wasn't that good at planning things. Birthdays? Maybe. Weddings? NEVER.

"OKKK! So first go get a shower then we will drag Brian along so he could have some say in the wedding!" She said smiling.

"Alright!" I said walking up the stairs.

"BRIANNNN!" I called like is mom.

"Oh God what did I do know Mom?!" He said looking at me like I was really his mom.

"You sounded just like her!" He said laughing.

"Good! Cause you are coming with Val and I!" After I said that I saw his eyes pop out of his head and tried to run but I jumped onto him but didn't effect him cause he ran down the stairs with me on him like a Koala.

Jiana laughed and Val looked at us.

"I'M NOT GOING!" He said and tried to get me off but I just put my nails into his back.

"Babe! You have to cause then I'll be planning everything and don't you want to have some say in what you want!?"I asked him

"Fine I'll go only if I can bring someone."He said

"Fine!" I said jumping down and running up the steps and into the shower.

I took a fast one a got out in just a towel.

"Woah!" He said checking me out.

"Shut up and let's start planning our wedding" I said smiling.

"Yes ma'am" He said and got into the shower. I got ready pretty quick and did my maeup and hair.

"Ready?!" Brian asked all dressed I nodded my head and my cell phone rang.


"Hey Lex! Dopping Jiana off cause I haven't seen here for so long?" My grandmother asked.

"Yeah sure!"

I decided to tell her me and Brian were getting married when we got there.

We got into Brian's car and Val sat in the back with Jiana.

When we got to mt grandmothers house we all got out and walked to the door. I knocked on it once and my grandmother opened it in smiles.

"Hey sweetheart how are you?!" My grandmother asked hugging me.

"Good! and you Nan?!"

"I'm good! Ohh I see you bought friends" She said looking at Val and Brian.

"Nan we don't have much time we have to go plan a wedding!" I said smiling at Brian.

"Ohh who's getting married?!" She asked picking Jiana up.

"I am" I said holding my hand out

She looked at the ring with wide eyes then at me.

"OHHH MY BABY IS GROWING UP! Brian treat her good!" She said before slamming the door on us and running inside with JiJi.

Brian laughed and we walked to the car and Brian decided to bring Jimmy.

"It's right here!" Val said and jumped out of the car and in front of a rather nice place.

Jimmy ran around the front of the place and stopped and ran back to us.

"Oh God this is gonna be long!" I said slapping my forehead and Jimmy skipped into the building Brian chuckled and grabbed my hand and kissed me

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