The Truth Spilled

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•Heey guys ! So I was wanting to say that because its summer I'll be updating quiet frequently. Other than that hope you guys enjoy the book and hope you've had a great summer so far.•

-Kaitlyn xx


I was about to go and head out to a party with the lads, but my father called and stopped me. It was obviously important because he doesn't usually call when I have an event going on. Plus I could tell by his voice.

*On The Phone*

"He..Hello ?" I said getting nervous. "Dad are you alright? Is mum and the girls alright?!"

He chuckled slightly. "Yes Liam, everyone is alright. I just need to talk to you. In person, this is important. I know you have a part to go to and I'm truly sorry for inerupting." He seemed in sure of himself almost.

"It's alright, Dad no worries. So uhm you want to talk in person or..-" I got cut off.

I just rolled my eyes a bit.

"Yes Liam that's be great that's honestly what I prefer anyways. Is that alright with you?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure. That's fine, be there in a bit. Bye dad love you."

"Bye Liam love you too." And with that he hung up.

"Alright lads, looks like I am going to have to make a quick stop. You guys can head on to the party if you'd like." I told the boys.

"It's alright, we'll come with. The party wouldn't e the same with out you." Niall replied. "Right mates?"

"Yeah!" The rest of the boys said in unison.

"No problem." Zayn said patting my back.

"So where are we going?" Harry asked.

"My parents house." I replied. "I think something may be wrong."

"Oh alright, well lets hurry up and get over there to see what's the matter." Louis said grabbing his phone and car keys.

The car ride was quiet, after we got there we we're greater by my mum and was told the my father was in the living room waiting. I saw him sitting on the couch lost in thought. When he saw the lads and I his face brightened. I knew he enjoyed the lads company.

"Liam!" He exclaimed. "Great to see you son." He pulled me in for a hug.

"Hey dad." I said hugging him back. "What the matter?"

He replied after giving each the boys a hug and telling us all to take a seat. "Alright well, I'm not sure of how your going to take this but you have a sister."

I was a little but lost at first. "Uhm yeah dad I have two. Do you not remember your own daughters Nicole and Ruth?"

He chuckled. "Of course I remember those two. How could I not?" But his face suddenly fell, and it was all seriousness. "I mean you have another sister. She's eighteen, a year younger then you. So I guess she's your younger sister. Her name is Kaylee...Kaylee Payne."

"Payne?" I was seriously confused and worried.

"Yes, Payne. Alright so when I was about 21-22, I was in a relationship with a woman named Laura. I thought it was love, it was love. Well one night I took her to a club, she was having a rough week with college and what not, so I decided to take her there so she could just let loose. We would always talk about how we were going to get married and have kids. We both agreed on not having kids until after marriage. But that night we had...well a little to much to drink. One thing led to another and we ended up at my place, then she soon became pregnant. Well I was so scared and shooken by the fact that I was going to be a father that I backed out. I never stopped helping though. By the age of about 23 I desperately tried to get her back and allow me back in her life but she wouldn't budge. So I continued sending her money to help and every once in a while I'd pay a little extra. I wanted her to have a perfect life. After awhile I just moved on and then that's when I met Karen, your mother." He smiled. "God I love her."

All the boys looked as shocked as I did, we all shared the same expression.

" Uhm is that all?" I asked curiously.

He cleared his throat. "Well her mother go fired from her original job and got two more jobs so now she works day and night. Unfortunately not even that's enough. So I convinced her to allow Kaylee to come and live here with us." He said, eyeing me to see my reaction.

"Are you serius??" I said getting slightly excited. I could already feel a smile spreading across my face.

He laughed. "Yes, yes I'm serious."

"So uhm is she staying here with you or is she staying with the lads and I." I asked.

"She's always welcome to sleep with me." Harry said cheekily, a big grin plastered all over his face. Niall hit him upside the head and so did Louis. Zayn just sat there lost in thought.

"Well that Liam is completely up to you, all I ask is that you keep lover boy," He motioned to Harry. Harry just blushed a bright red tint. "Off of Kaylee."

"Don't worry dad I won't, I wouldn't dream of it." I stated eyeing Harry.

"Good. Then it's settled" He smiled.

"So when will she be here?" Zayn asked, finally speaking up.

My father ran his fingers through his hair. "Well..uhh....tomorrow."

My eyes widened. "Tomorow?! We'll never have her a room ready in time!"

Louis patted my back. 'It'll be alright lad, I'll call the interior designer right away and tell her it's and emergency." I nodded feeling less stressed.

"So have you told Ruth and Nicole?" I asked thinking of my sisters.

"Not yet, your mother and I plan to tell her tonight." He looked at his watch. "Well lads its getting late get some rest we have to be there by 12:00 tomorrow at the airport to welcome her." He said exchanging hugs with everyone.

Wow, I'm getting another sister. That's ALOT to take in. Plus she's staying with us, I'm going to watch out for Harry. If he thinks 'Daddy Direction' is bad wait until he sees me protecting my sister from his games.


*The Next Morning*

I woken by my mother screaming throughout the house. "Kaylee if your arse isn't ready by 8:00 I swear I'm gonna-!

I cut her off. "Mom! Language!" I sighed. "Don't worry I should be ready by then."

"Not should, you WILL!" Gosh that's my mother. Not a morning person under any circumstances, I'm not no morning angel myself. But I decided today isn't the day to fight it.

I got up to go and shower. Once I got out I went to my closet and went to pick out my clothes. Ill be wearing a crop top with the British flag on it that showed off my new belly piercing, it was a white diamond. White shorts and red converse, I brushed and let my hair loose that fell to about mid back. I looked in the mirror and just stared at myself. I've come a long way, from being a size 2X and being bullied to a SMALL. I'm not trying to sound conceited but I think I look good and I'm very proud of myself for making this much improvement. My mother is Puerto Rican so of course I have the Latina tan and the accent, because that's what I grew up around. My hair was light brown with small curls and it went down about mid back. My eyes are a hazel color and change depending on my mood.

I jumped when I heard my mother walk in the bathroom. "Hey stop drooling over your self and let's get moving." I grabbed my purse, phone, and keys and headed out.

The car ride was quiet until I broke the ice and began to talk. "So uhm you said that my father has three kids. What's their names?" I asked.

She smiked. "We'll for starters he has two daughters one is named Ruth who is 20 and the other is named Nicole who is 22. Then he has a son named Liam who's 19." Liam. Liam. Liam. I kept saying the name over and over in my head, then it finally clicked. Liam Payne the band member of One Direction! Why didn't this click before??! I gotta calm down, I can't start fangirling about this. So I just nodded and remained quiet.

Once on the plane I drifted off into a deep sleep and thought I might as well get some rest Ive got awhile before we land.

•Sorry guys, that probably wasn't the best chapter. But what do you guys think? Better yet what's 'Daddy Direction' gonna do you think he may become over protective? Well gotta go. Ill be updating later :)•

-Kaitlyn xx

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