'I Love You' Means Something

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Niall's POV-

My eyes widen and then smirked. "So your telling me there's another level?" I asked cocking my head.

"Well I guess that's for me to know ad for you to find out huh?" She smirked pushing her body harder onto mine. She looked into my eyes then crashed her lips onto mine.

She broke off the kiss to whisper in my ear. "Niall I want you."

I was drunk but sobered up when she said that. "What ? Kaylee no. Your not ready."

"Niall." She moaned. Damn she's killing me. "I'm ready."

"Kaylee, your drunk I cant." I said backing up. I really wanted to and I was sure ready but I want our first time to be special. Not just some drunken mistake. "I'm not doing it with you like this."

"So your saying your not wanting me?" She said crossing her arms.

"Kaylee, love I want to but not like this I want it to be special." I said grabbing her hand.

"It will be special." She said pouting.

"Special meaning neither one of us drunk." I said.

"You don't know what your taking about your just as knocked up as I am." She said throwing her hands up I'm the air.

Liam came over to see what was going on. "What's wrong Kaylee?" He probably thinks I did something.

"Niall won't have sex with me he doesn't think it'll be special because we're drunk, but he doesn't know what he's talking about. Tell him Liam, tell him I'm right. Make him do it with me, please Liam. He doesn't think I'm ready, tell him ready. Why doesn't he want me." Kaylee began to cry. "Every guy I've been with always ends the night with sex. They say how I'm beautiful, it shows they love me. Niall doesn't love me, he doesn't love me I know he doesn't. That's why he won't do it with me." She was full on sobbing

Liam's eyes went wide eyed from what he just heard come out of his little sisters mouth. "Uhm Kaylee love, it's about time we leave." He said taking her hand.

"Okay daddy." Kaylee said.

Wow she's a messed up drunk. It's kinda funny and cute but scary at the same time. I mean it's scary to think that's how she thinks people love her. She thinks that when people take advantage of her it means they love her. This obviously has happened frequently before. She's broken, but I intend to fix her.

~~~~~~~~The Next Morning~~~~~~~

I was awoken to Kaylee moaning in pain next to me I opened my eyes to see her sitting on the bed clutching her head. Wait how did she get here? Liam and I put her in her room? Well she's got clothes on, and so do I so nothing happened thankfully.

"Niaaall.." She moaned. "What happened last night."

"Alot of things love." I said smirking.

Her eyes went wide. "We didnt...you know..did we?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No love of course not. Although you were apparently all for it."

She cocked her head in confusion. "What do you mean I was all for it?" She asked.

"You kept saying, 'Niaall I'm ready!' 'Niaaaall I want you.' You even went to Liam and tried to order him to make me do it with you. Kaylee I have to ask you something, because you said something last night that caught my attention." I said.

"Uhm sure? What is it." She seemed unsure of what I was about to ask her.

"So last night when we were in the club when you were sobbing to Liam about how I didn't love you because I wouldn't have sex with you. You said that's how your ex boyfriends showed love, they'd have sex with you. That's how you knew they loved you. Kaylee do you seriously think that? You think that in order for you to be able to determine whether or not I love you, I have to want sex with you?" I asked.

Her eyes went wide and watered a bit. "I uh Niall I don't want to talk about it." She said beginning to walk away.

But I stopped her by grabbing her hand.
"No Kaylee I want to talk about it. Please? Just tell me, as your boyfriend i want to know these things. I wanted know your problems, not guaranteeing I can fix them all but I want you to also know that you won't be alone when facing them."

She weakly smiled and sat back down, she took a deep sigh before beginning to speak. "Okay well before Nathan there was a few other guys. Each and everyone of them always said I love you to me. At the time silly me, I thought it actually meant something. Or that I was something to them. My mom used to always say "Save your virginity, use it on the one you love. It'll only be more special that way." Or how sex shouldn't be for fun, that it should mean and represent something. That it should represent, well, love basically. So with all these guys saying they love me I thought the we were in love and that it was love. So I had sex with them, especially when we went to clubs, they always got super hammered. When they were hammered, they were violent, they took they're violence out on me. So it's just some silly thing I used to believe." She said letting a tear fall putting her head down.

I put my finger under her chin and lifted her head up, drying one of her tears. "Kaylee, darling it should represent love. Babe as long as your with me it won't mean anything less, and don't take this the wrong way but I don't say I love you unless I mean it. I want you to know that, so when I say I love you I mean it. It's not just something you say just because, it has to mean something." I smiled and kissed her nose. Her eyes watered and she tackled me in a hug.

"Thank you Niall. You don't know how much that meant to me." She mumble into my chest.

I chuckled. "No problem babe, just promise me you won't ever think that what you believe in is silly. Especially something like that."

She nodded and snuggled into my chest more. We sat there for about 10-15 minutes just cuddling until Louis popped his head in the door.

"Don't mean to interrupt anything." He wiggled his eyes. "But breakfast is ready." He said walking out.

"We'll princess lets go hit the table and get some breakfast, we'll have to hurry a bit I want to take you somewhere." I said smiling. I took her hand and led her to the kitchen.

Later today will be perfect.

(A/N) Heey guys hoped you liked this chapter, it was kinda short but I thought it was sweet. I just began starting on another book. Its called 'May The Best Man Win' its another One Direction Fan Fiction. I have another Niall Fan Fictipn, if you wanna check it out.

So enough with advertising my other books .__. I wanna thank everyone who left the nice comments : ) I read every one of them. So thank you, you guys are the best : ) <3

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