two. the locket

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day two. write a scene that involves a simple item that triggers a memory


the locket

APRIL IS moving. Her apartment is filled with boxes and all her furniture are covered with plastic. Tomorrow will be the day she'll officially be out of this place. She does the final packing of her things in her room, rummaging throught all her stuff, old and new.

Different memories flood back in her mind as she finds little things in her room. There's the stamp on the first love letter given to her back in third grade. The ridiculous earrings her best friend gave her as a birthday gift. The friendship bracelets she collected since she was ten...

April grabs a stool and starts clearing the top of her closet. Trash. Trash. Trash. Keep. Trash. She labeled in her mind.

The closet was almost empty but with one small box hidden deep in the corner. She tries to reach for it blindly on the tips of her toes. She finally gets a hold of it and brings it out for her to see clearly. The container was covered in dust, it must have been for being hidden for years. She wipes it clean and the look on her face changes.

She opens the box with trembling hands.

And inside was a locket.

ONCE UPON a time, there was a boy named Cameron and he lived a simple life as a teenager. He was a quiet, quiet boy with a love for science and a passion for music. And he was deeply infatuated by this girl. This girl who will know about him not long after, this girl who will soon be the love of his life, his girlfriend. But she doesn't know him yet.

By chance, they met on a rainy Thursday. The pittare patter of the raindrops falling on the rooftops was like a rythm to him. By chance, she was standing alone by the school doors, waiting for something or someone. By chance, she hadn't brought a coat or an umbrella with her that day. And by chance, he had.

With confidence he never thought he had, he walked up to her and said hey. He thought she would run away from him, look at him with a disgusted face or do something that's just like rejecting him. But unexpectedly, she greeted him back with a smile.

"So, um. Why are you here all alone? I don't mean to sound creepy or anything, just concerned and curious why you're all by yourself. Are you waiting for someone? Oh, God. I should stop talking." He blubbered awkwardly.

She laughed a soft kind laugh and he chuckled with her, realizing how weird he sounded.

"You're cute," she said, smiling at him.

He looked down on his feet, not knowing what to say.

"I don't think we've officially met yet." She held out her hand and introduced herself. He shook it and said his name.

"So, Cameron, are you gonna open that umbrella, or are we going to walk in the rain?" She smirks.

And both of them dance under the rain.

TWO MONTHS after that fateful Thursday afternoon, Cameron and the girl both had been spending a lot of time together. And on another Thursday afternoon, exactly fifty-seven days, ten minutes and thirty-two seconds since that rainy Thursday, Cameron popped the question he's been wanting to ask ever since. "Will you go out on a date with me?"

And she said yes.

They went to a picnic that Saturday. Sitting on the grass under a tree, him putting flowers in her hair and her lying on his lap, tracing figures on the clouds. They went to see a romcom movie after that and ate at an Italian restaurant that served the worst garlic bread they've ever tasted.

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