four. speak now

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day four: write a scene that takes place in a church


speak now

VENUS IS A BITCH. That was Sheila's initial thought once she met the bride. It was a summery Wednesday night, two months before the wedding, and all four of them went out to dinner as per Brian's request.

"Please, Sheila. She really wants to meet you," he said Monday morning when they coincidentally bumped into each other at Starbucks.

"I don't know, Brian..." she replied as she sipped her latte. It was seven fifteen and she was running late for work.

He gave her 'the puppy look,' knowing she couldn't resist his charm. And she laughed softly and hit his shoulder playfully.

"I can't, Brian. I have a meeting Thursday night and Trevor and I will grab dinner afterwards," She said.

He gave her that smile, the smile that says 'I know you're lying,' and she was.

"Really, Sheila," he said, "What's the reason you don't want to come? And don't lie to me because I know you too well."

She sighed. "I don't know, Brian. I mean, wouldn't it be awkward for her because she knows you and I dated for a while then we went back to being friends?"

Brian shook his head. "Sheila, it was the past. She understands that and she knows she's the only one I love. We all know that."

And now here she was, sitting in an Italian restaurant in Manhattan, with Trevor by her side and her ex with his fiancee opposite her.

VENUS IS A BITCH. It was the day of the wedding and Sheila was hiding behind the curtains, hoping the bride wouldn't see her. Everybody was in pastel gowns and tuxes and the dainty chapel looked so beautiful, with lillies lining the aisle. It smelled of flowers and love. But Venus wasn't.

Venus was yelling at the bridesmaids, criticizing all their 'failures.' She was fussing over all the little details: how her gown was too heavy, how the flowers smelled too sweet, how all the bridesmaid's hairs were done wrong, how her makeup was too thick... The list goes on and tt was all too much for Sheila to hear.

Finally, Brian's friends and family came and she excused herself and went back to her hotel room.

Brian looked so handsome. His tux hugged his strong physique so well, his hair was combed back, he looked so.. so perfect. And Sheila almost wished that it was her he was gonna marry.

THE MARCH started with Canon in C playing. Venus started walking down the aisle with a fake smile on her face that made Sheila want to roll her eyes, but decided otherwise.

She was sitting on the fifth row with some of Brian's friends. And she almost wanted to get out of this place.

THE CEREMONY started and Sheila just stared into the distance, thinking.

It came to the point where the preacher said, "If there is anybody who wishes to object, speak now or forever hold your peace." Silence filled the room. And Sheila was fighting the urge to stand up.

Just as the preacher was moving on to the next words, she can't fight the uge no more and she stood up. "WAIT!"

And a gasp came out of everybody's mouths as they stare at her.

"I object. Brian, I still love you. I never stopped. I know you still do, so let's run. Run away from here, from the judging eyes of everybody and from that bitch of a fiancé of yours," She said and everybody let out another gasp.

Brian's mouth was agape as he stared at her with mixed emotions. And Venus's eyes travelled back and forth from Brian to Sheila.

At last, somebody spoke a word. "Do you know about this?" Venus shouts at Brian. "Have you two been plotting this the whole time? To humiliate me? In front of everybody?" Brian was silent. "ANSWER ME, DAMN IT."

And Brian started running away from her and to Shiela who was waiting by the door. And he kissed her so passionately with all his love. "I still love you, Sheila," he said and he grabbed her hand. "Let's run away."

And they climbed the bridal car and started driving. Driving away from the chapel, from everyone and from Venus's irritating screams.

"SHEILA. Sheila. Wake up." A voice says as her body was being shaked.

"What? What? What happened?" Sheila jumps up from her bed and stares drowsily at her mother.

"Sheila, you're gonna be late." Her mother says as she searches for something in Sheila's closet.

"Late for what?" She scratches her head.

"The wedding! Brian's wedding. Have you forgotten?"

"Oh... Right." She was disappointed. Everything was just a dream after all.


sorry for the crappiness of scenes three and four.

dedicated to monique because i'm crazy and she loves me despite my randomness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2013 ⏰

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