Chapter 13

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Day 6:

Finals are today. I stayed in Clark's trailer last night, we just snuggled and I loved it.

We went early this morning, we weren't hungover like the rest of them, and we went shopping. I bought some merchandise and clothes.

"Do you think they are up yet?" Clark asks as we near the trailers.

I look at the time on my phone, 10.

"Definitely not."

He laughs and walks up to my trailer door. He opens it quietly.

"You take Blake, I'll get them."

I laugh slightly and head to the bedroom where Blake is. I jump on the bed and pour water down his ear.

"Ahh!" He screams and sits up quickly.

I uncontrollably laugh as he hits his head trying to get the water out of his ear.

"You asshole." He says and lunges at me.

I jump off the bed and to the kitchen where Clark was laughing as well.
They were all trying to clean their ears out of water.

"Nice!" I say and then feel hands come around my waist.

I scream. "Clark help!"

Clark turns and laughs. "Sorry babe."

Blake starts tickling me and I fall to my knees laughing. Blake pulls back, uncontrollably laughing and I'm breathless.

Clark picks me up.

"You could have helped." I say slapping his chest playfully.

He smirks and presses our lips together. "Do you forgive me?"

I bite my lip and nod, bringing his lips back to mine. We go on a full make out session until we hear gagging around us. We pull apart laughing.

"I love how you guys are together, but you have your own trailer for that." Blake says.

"We'll make breakfast." Clark says pulling me outside.

When the door closes he starts kissing me again. I push him off.

"Lets make breakfast okay?"

He smirks and nods.


It wasn't long, everyone was fed and we were on our way to the Rodeo finals. We take a seat at the top of the bleachers like always, Clark by my side along with Daisy.

"Ladies and gentleman, the Rodeo is coming to an end but not before the finals!" The announcer says enthusiastically.

Daisy and I stand up screaming along with the rest of the crowd. There is a buzz in the air that has me on a natural high.

"We are going to start off with barrel racing today, so let's hear it for Tracy Lennon!"

Daisy and I cheer again even though we don't know her. She pulls through the finish line with the time of 16.255.

"Let's hear it for the barrel racers!"

The next event starts, steer wrestling.

"Jimm Carter everyone, has come first for the past few days. Let's see him pull in first again!"

I look at the starting gates and see Jim Carter, he isn't bad looking, dirty jeans, plaid shirt and some hair covering his chin.

I smirk and lean into Clark, "He is pretty hot."

He whips his head to me and narrow his eyes on me.


I nod, "Yeah, his ass looks pretty damn fine in those jeans and riding that horse, cowboy hat, it's a complete package."

Clark rolls his eyes and focuses back on the arena.

Daisy nudged me, "You just got the guy, pissing him off already? "

I shrug and pull Clark's dazed face to mine, kissing him.

"You are much better looking than him though."

He smirks and leans into my ear, "Much better in bed too."

I smile at his dirty comment and push him away from me playfully.

The rest of Rodeo events went by quickly. Clark takes my hand as we exit the crowd.

"I think we lost them." Clark says with a smirk.

I look around and all our friends are nowhere to be seen.

His hands are placed on my hips and slowly inch there way to my ass.

"Want to get something to eat and then meet up with them at the trailer."

I nod and take his hand in mine heading to a food vendor.

"You know if I'm pregnant, its going to be hard to say that line, 'what happens at Steins Rodeo stays at Steins Rodeo'."

Clark laughs as he bites into his sandwich.

"And since we are together now, that's going to be hard to say as well."

I laugh and kiss his cheek.

"I'm glad to have made a memory here with you." I say eating fries.

Clark's head pops in front of me and his lips press to mine.


I kiss him again and the push him away. "You taste like ketchup."

"And you taste like salt." He says pointing at my fries.

We walk back to the trailer and see that they have made food for themselves and are eating.

"There you guys are!" Daisy says. "We were wondering where you went, but we weren't too worried." She winks.

I roll my eyes and take a seat beside her.

I pick up a piece of chicken off her plate and put it in my mouth.

"Holy shit, that's good." I mumble and take another.

"Hey!" She snaps but I put it in my mouth quickly.

"Blake did you make this?" I ask savouring the taste.

"I did." He replies smirking.

"It's amazing, can you cook for me every night?"

He laughs and points at Clark, "You have him for that."

"Clark can't cook." I laugh.

Clark stands and leans down to my lips.

"Mmm, but when you cook for me, I can make it up to you later."

He kisses me lightly and sits down beside me.

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