Chapter 2

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The pair stepped out into the sunlight. They were no longer anywhere near a cave and were now standing near a natural archway between two large trees. They were surrounded by trees, though the forest was not thick and patches of grass and flowers could be seen.

         "Do you hear that?" Alyn asked Orshon. In the distance she could hear loud,sharp, wailing noises. Some short and some long. But they didn't sound like any animal she had ever heard.

         "Yes, I do." Orshon said, nodding. "I have never heard anything like that. We should assume that we are no longer in Gonzor. We could be across the world if the spell was powerful enough." He said, looking around. Alyn began walking about and inspecting the trees and plants.

         "I know most of these. I have seen them at home outside the village. Others I am not familiar with." She said as she examined the bark of a tall, broad leafed tree. "We may be near Gonzor after all." Orshon inspected the plants as well. When he was satisfied that his sister's assessment was sound he planted his staff on the ground and closed his eyes. Alyn was unsure of what he was doing, but she knew not to make a sound. After a few minutes he opened his eyes again.

          "We are not in Gonzor, Alyn. The magic here feels different, weak. The people of this land may not know magic, they may not even believe it exists. I can access it, but I am well trained. An untrained student would have no chance." He said. Alyn sucked in a breath. She did not know much of magic but she did know that every nation in the world had some form of the art. Every nation that she knew of at least.

          "What nations do you know of with a magic field this weak?" She asked, afraid and reasonably sure of the answer. Orshon shook his head slowly.

           "I do not know of any. If I am to be honest with you I think we may have left our world altogether." He said with a look of fear in his eyes. Alyn wanted to laugh; the idea of having left the world was certainly laughable. But she could not. She had not seen Orshon look truly afraid in a long time.

           "We cannot turn back now. The Black Sorcerer is here. He cannot have gotten far yet." Alyn said. Orshon nodded.

            "Until we find out what kind of land we are in we should try to blend in. Look harmless." He said. Alyn glared. A foreign land, a new world and she was to remove her armor and leave her sword behind. "You will have to take off your armor, but I can enchant your sword so that you can summon it as I do with my staff." Orshon explained. Alyn nodded reluctantly. Together they removed Alyn's armor and she was left standing in her tunic and leggings. She then, even more reluctantly handed her sword over. Orshon muttered some magical words over the claymore and then placed it carefully in a large bush next to the archway. They then placed the armor and Orshon's staff there as well.

           "First, let us find the edge of these woods." Alyn said, taking charge. Either of them could have but leaving her sword hidden in a bush had left her somewhat angry. They began walking towards the loudest of the strange wails. They walked for several minutes until they reached what seemed to be the edge. The sun was glinting off something just past the trees, something large. Orshon was first to push past the bushes.

          "Orkaro's beard!" He exclaimed. Alyn could not help but smirk, her brother was not known for his strong language.

           "Is that the best you can do?" She said with a laugh.

            "Alyn, this is no joke. Look." He said gesturing forward. Alyn walked through the bushes and finally saw it.

             "Ephemara's breasts!" She shouted, a phrase that would have made even the hardest soldiers blush. Both stared silently at the shining towers of metal and glass that rose far above the horizon. They both stared at the glittering beasts for minutes. When they were finally able to look down they saw something even more fantastic. Alyn found herself looking at wheeled contraptions made of metal barreling down the street. The wails seemed to be coming from them.

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