15 Baper & Welcome Desember

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"Karma says What you give, you'll get it back - Jessi Ara"

"You are the sun, and i am a small piece of space. Just happy to be near you- Jessi Ara"

"Idk why i love moon so much" -sun

"Give yourself a little respect to walk away from someone who doesnt see your worth"

"You'll never know if you don't ever try again-Jessi Ara"

"I hate to say I want you when you make it so clear you dont want me-Jessi Ara"

"Please trust me
Theres no girl who loves u as much as i do-Jessi Ara"

Selasa 1 Desember 2015

Wih nggak kerasa udh mau 2016 aja
Nggak sabar tunggu natal juga :)
Hari HIV Jauhi pergaulan bebas di masa muda untuk masa Mendatang yang sehat terbebas dari HIV- Jessi Ara
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