My first mistake

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Jane's POV:

I was staring at him. He looked concerned. Now, I noticed how handsome he is. His handsome face was breath taking and his blue eyes were concerned; but why? And how did he save me?

I was wrapped in his arms. I shook all the thoughts away and pushed him hard. He let me go. I shouted at him,"You saved me, how dare you? Didn't I tell you to leave! I am not the one you knew yet you interfered in my plan to die. I am not her, I am Jane! Jane Macarove! Do you understand that I failed in my attempt to end my life just because of you? Do you know how much courage it takes for someone to decide and try to end their own life? I don't want to see you ever again in my whole life! "

He looked hurt and tried to say something but I stopped him, turned around and ran. I ran as fast as I could letting my tears fall freely.

When I couldn't run anymore, I started walking slowly. I saw a bar at that corner and went inside. The place is dim lit and there were few people at this hour of night. I took a table and signalled the waiter to come.

"Your order,please." Asked the waiter. "Get me anything with high alcohol percentage" I told him.

After few minutes he brought a bottle and a glass and started pouring alcohol in the glass. "Leave the bottle here, I will help myself." I told him and he left.

I filled my glass. I will die drinking alcohol now! I took a sip. Yack!! It's sour! This is the first time, no second time I'm drinking alcohol otherwise I always have wine. I drank alcohol with him. He told me I'm a bad drinker...


"Just tell me what I did! Why are you laughing?" I asked him. But he kept laughing. I made a puppy face and begged,"Pleaseee.." He looked at me and stopped laughing.

"Jane, you are such a bad drinker." Mark said and started laughing again.

I have been dating Mark for about two months now. Mark is handsome with golden hair and brown eyes.

I met Mark two months ago at a restaurant where he works as a waiter.
That day I was bored and so I went out to explore the city where I can never go or my friends will never accompany me.
When I went there, we fell in love at first sight with each other.

We came for a holiday to hawaii. Yes, I lied my parents. I'm the daughter of a big businessman so, I don't think dad will ever approve of Mark that easily.

"Just tell me what I did. Stop laughing and tell, did I say something?" I asked him and tried to close his mouth with my hands to make him stop but failed and he started laughing more due to my failed attempt. I made a crying face.

He saw me and controlled his laughter and said,"Ok ok, I will tell you. You know you drank so much yesterday that you passed out and when I was carrying you back from the bar you opened your eyes, saw me and started shouting that you love me. And you told me to let you down on your feet and when I did, you started stopping people to tell them that you love me and then passed out again."

He started laughing again recollecting those memories.
"Really? I did that?" I asked embarrassed.
"Yes!" he said laughing.

That day everyone was staring and laughing at me when we went out and Mark, he laughed for the whole week. He told me not to drink when he is not around.

Present :

I shook my head to clear my mind of those memories. I shouldn't think of him, he is the first mistake of my life. I'm here just because of him. I poured some more alcohol in my glass, my vision became blurred. I wiped my tears. I was crying.
I drank more from my glass. The bottle was one fourth empty when I started feeling dizzy. I couldn't keep my eyes open and everything became dark.

When I woke up, I was in my bed, in my home. But how? Was that all a  dream?

Hope you liked this chapter. Next chapter will be Barry's POV. Please vote, comment and share this story with your friends if you liked it.

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