All lies???

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I was shocked to see a girl who looks exactly like me. I don't know how to react.

Suddenly, she said,"Hi Jane!"

She knows my name? She knows my name! Who is she? What's going on? I was trying to get a grip on the situation when she said,"I am Rosy! Barry must have told you about me."

Barry knows about her? He didn't say anything about knowing someone who looked like me.
I shook my head confused.

She sighed and said,"So, he didn't say anything about me. He didn't tell you about his first love. You are yet to know his secrets."

His first love? Barry's first love? He never mentioned anything about this. Wait....that day...that day when we first met at the bridge....he said something about....knowing someone who looked like me. So, he was talking about her!! He was talking about his first love!! So he fell for me just because....I....I look like her.....because I look like his first love??!!!
Realisation hit me. He doesn't love me! It's all just a lie! His love is a lie! Tears filled my eyes. But I tried not to cry.

"You must be devastated by knowing this."she said trying to sound consolidate.

"Why are you here? Why are you suddenly back in his life now? Where were you all these years?"I snapped at her.

She sighed and said,"About that... I didn't know that he was alive. I and Barry, we both met hundred years ago. I was the daughter of a magistrate and he just a farm boy. That's why when my father came to know about us, we ran away. But, he found us and killed us both. That's what we thought. But, he was saved by someone and I was also saved by someone. We both didn't knew that the other is alive. But, I saw him with you and so I am back in his life. I am the love of his life!"

She is the love of his life? So, it means I am nothing in his life! I am nothing but just a replacement for her that too only because I look like her. Tears started rolling down my eyes.

"I know, it's really hard to accept this truth. But, it's the truth!"she said.

Just then Barry came in and asked irritated and angrily,"Rosy, what are you doing here?"

We both looked at him. Rosy smiled and said,"I told her the truth that you didn't tell her and were not going to tell her."

Saying this she ran away.

So, she was right! He really know her! All she said was true! I can't stop my tears from flowing out.

Barry's POV :

I am going to meet Jane after a week, I am so happy. I should take some flowers for her. She will be really happy to see these. She loves flowers.

"How may I help you, sir?"the florist asked.
"Just give me a red rose."I said.
She gave me a red rose and I payed for it.

Jane will be happy to see this. I know it's just one rose. But, it's red rose! The symbol of love. She will love it. I am sure about that.

I can't wait to see her.

What else should I take for her?
This is the first time I am so nervous and excited to meet her. It's been a whole one week. I never thought that being away from her for a week will have this much affect on me.

I really don't know how to control my emotions now.

I ran as fast as I can and reached her home. Window. I will go in through her window.

When I came into her room, I was surprised to see Rosy standing opposite to Jane. And Jane was crying.....Jane is crying.....what did Rosy tell her?

"Rosy, what are you doing here?"I asked irritated and angrily.

"I told her the truth that you didn't tell her and were not going to tell her."she said and ran away before I could say anything.

I looked at Jane. She was crying.

"Jane..."I was saying when she snapped,"Leave! Just leave! Now!"

I went towards her when she said,"STOP! Don't! Don't come near me! Just leave! I want to be alone!"

I left. I went out and stood in her garden from where I can see her room.

I can see, she is crying. I can hear her sobs but can't do anything. What should I do? I cried. I cried because she cried.

Now Jane knows the truth, what will happen? Will she break up with Barry or will Barry be able to make her understand his true feelings for her?

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