How It All Started

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Clara was on her way to her Physics class when she bummed into her ex, Daniel. It was awkward. They even had an eye-contact and all she knows is that Daniel didn't even dare to look longer than a second. So, she was kinda upset about the whole ignoring thing.

" Why can't we become good friends? " Clara asked Lyvia.
" Maybe it's awkward for him, " she said hesitantly while polishing her nails.
" Seriously, Clara. Why don't you just stop thinking about your ex and start to live your life. It has been 5 months now since he left you. If I were you, I seek for someone else. Even for a day. " she explained, holding both of her hands.
" I try, " Clara nodded and Lyvia exclaimed " Fighting! "
Clara laughed and hit her right arm "Oh look who's into kpop now! " she shrugged slightly and her eyes were wandering across the room " Geez Clara, be quiet will ya? Well I kinda love BTS Dope. It was completely.... Y'know, dope! " Lyvia smiled shyly. Clara was just smiling and thought, I bet you will.

School session almost over and Clara had her last Language test. After 3 O'Clock, she'll be freed from school craps and dramas. Pentyork Private High (PPH) is a different school from any other normal high schools. Their graduation is earlier but they will held another session for the awards giving ceremony after announcing their results. That's why it's a private school. But 90% of the student body came from average living families but they had some kick ass results from their last school. The school highlights the importance of studying the the learning system is good. Most of the after-graduates ended up having scholars in top universities. Clara's closest cousin is an alumni and she was in Stanford U. It's like a high school for Yale. But for Clara Henris, she hated how picky the teachers and students were. Majority of them only befriends with geniuses and for a lazy and considered as stupid girl like Clara, they'd only use her for benefits. She might be nice to everyone but only a few had her trust. Including Daniel Caleb, her ex. The only guy that she fell in love the most and the one who fully had her trust.

School bell rang and Clara puts her pen.
" Yes bitch! School's over! " she exclaimed and her homeroom teacher lifted his head smiling at her.
" Everyone knows that, Ms Henris. Just be calmed. I know you're tired seeing my face for years. " 54-years-old Mr Davis said. One of the coolest - and kindest - teacher she had. He was like a father to her and a private counselor. Whenever she involved into a fight or trouble, he'd be helping Clara out. His wife, Mrs Henris treated her nice and always served her homemade cookies everytime it's Christmas.
Everyone giggled and Clara laughed shyly. She looked at her watch, waiting the second to get out from the place when suddenly Mark poked her back.
" Yo Clara, what's your after school plan? " he whispered. Mark was one of her best guy friend. He's friendly and always lend a helping hand. He was in a relationship with the prettiest girl in school, Barbara, but they broke up because he cheated on her. When she asked why would he risk on something beautiful and he would normally answer " When you see a pretty stuff, on a display of a garage sale, plus super cheap. You still think it ain't that precious and valuable. " Somehow, Mark made a point. Barbara is a half-Caucasian and half-Asian. She has pretty long legs and slim waist. Beautiful doll-eyes (I can't tell if they are fake or not), volumenized lips and high cheek bones, she does look like a model. But there's something off about Barbara that made half of the school despise her. Maybe her ugly ass personality. Mark is indeed a handsome preppy jock but they both never fall for each other. They vowed to only be best friends. The three of them - Clara, Lyvia and Mark. The awesome trios what the school named them. Mark knew he won't stand a chance for Clara because her type is different and unpredictable. Because she gets so shy around the person she likes.
Clara turned her back and pouted "Maybe some me-time,"
" I bet all you'll do are kpop and kpop and kpop. " he said with an annoying expression on his face.
" Nope, correction! It's kpop AND sleeping, for your information, duh. " Clara giggled cutely and exclaimed confidently. Mark breathed out heavily looking down on the floor. " Sigh, friend you need a life intervention. " he lifted his head and looked at Clara's blank face.
" But sleeping is life. And kpop is a definition of heaven. " she stuttered and pouted again making Mark pinched her cheeks. Mark loves her and always look her as s young sister. Though Clara looks like serious, mature and about to kill everyone all the time, but they'll find her sweet and cuddly when they really know her. Clara doesn't like to show her real self in front of everyone and she tends to be serious and straight-faced with other people. That's why Daniel fell for her charms when they were close friends and skyped at 3 am till dawn. He found that Clara's mysterious and special. Her weird personalities drew Daniel closer. Ah, Daniel. Whenever that name came up, Mark was in a deep thought again. " Why the heck did he leave her? " he monologue and didn't realize that the whole class could hear him.

" Pardon, Mr Paul?" oh shit! Even Mr Davis could hear him when actually Mark sat at the back-most row. " No, I meant why did the girl in the story got left behind by the guy? " Mark laughed.

" Mr Paul! As a matter a fact, it's still examination! You could accused of cheating! " Mr Davis scolded. " But Mr Davis! I'm not and it's like 15 seconds till exam's done!" Mark sighed. Clara glanced behind and laughed at him. Whew, that was close.

" Hey babygee, where're you heading? " Lyvia hugged her so suddenly and gave Clara a mini heart attack. " Lyvia, I'm afraid I can't be with you guys tonight. Something came up. " Clara stopped and Lyvia's expression wasn't as expected. " Well it's okay! I know that your mum planned your after-school stuff. It's okay. " Lyvia smiled sweetly and Clara felt a bit relieved. " Oh my gosh, you're not mad? I mean, it's your first date with Tom from Windshire High. You know maybe you need an awkward-moment-saver. " Lyvia hold Clara's shoulder. " Dude, I have Mark with me. Tbh we all know he's friendlier than you. "

Clara nodded and they talked all the way. The seniors of PPH were all cheered and shouted, happy to finally finish their school years. Some of them even brought liquors but the teachers couldn't do anything. They even held a mini party and served delicious punch and muffins to share happiness. But as for Clara and Lyvia, they couldn't care less and just went straight to home.

The entrance had a small banner written; " Congratulation Clara Amelie Henris! " a wide smile set on her tired face and she rushed into her house, finding a small note on an end table.

" Clara darling, the house is yours tonight and we let you to enjoy and throw party! - It's okay, we'll call a maid to clean up the mess and we're having a night in LA. Be safe! xoxo - mum " the note came with an envelope and there were $800 in it. Clara was thrilled but all she wanted to do is to relax and having some time on her own. But since she's a bit scaredy cat, she invited a few for a slumber party. That night, she had fun dancing to kpop songs and watching kmovies. Suddenly her Asian friendly came up something about Up10tion.

" You know the're this 10 boys rookie group called Up10tion! " Mei exclaimed. " Wow another boy group with big number of members? I'm thrilled to hear that." one of them said. " They're under Top Media and hubaenim (junior) to Teen Top! Their dance is sharp and very synchronized too! " Mei explained while looking something on her iPad. " Oh please, I had 2 nights just to remember Seventeen members! " Clara hesitant. " You know them? Omg, my bias is totally Vernon! " Mei said. " Hansol? The half-Korean dude? Mine's the tallest one, Mingyu. " Clara smiled. " Ladies please! I don't know a heck about rookies! I only have my eyes on EXO and Bangtan. They're so hot! " Lyvia said brightly. They just chatted about kpop groups, dances and songs. Clara prefers a small group than big ones. Although she's one of the top socialite in her school, she's still an introvert. She got up and went to the kitchen just to check up on her cat, Sarang(Love). Thankfully, Sarang was peacefully sleeping with her catnip. Clara smiled warmly and stroked her cat. " One day Sarang, one day. "

" Clara! come here and look the group I just talked about! " Mei shouted. " Wait up! " Clara rushed to the tv room and watched So Dangerous MV. Her eyes were fixated on a redhead guy ( well since he's the only redhead dude in there and such an eye-catcher ) Her finger pointed out to him " Who's that dude? " Mei then explained " That's the Face Of The Group, Wooshin. " Clara walked near to the screen and then laughed " He's so weird looking! " She continued to laugh but Mei was straight-faced. " Dude, Wooshin isn't that bad. " Clara stopped and looked at Mei " Yeah I know but look at him. I mean his eyes, his... " Mei then cut in " You're so damn judgemental, no wonder you haven't been in a relationship for the past 4 months, "
Clara was extremely offended " Said by the girl who only been in one relationship ! " " But still last longer than a year! Clara you need to chill " Mei cut in again. Clara's expression was so serious and everyone in the room were in a complete silence. she glared at Mei thinking to offend her back.
" Well, Mei we all know Clara was joking. No need to be so serious on a Koreadn dude. " Lyvia tried to calm everything down. " Okay, how about a Thai horror movie! " Lyvia got up and inserted a DVD. " Oh no! Please! " cried Savannah the scarediest person in the room. " Trust me! It's funny! " Lyvia convinced her and continued l.
Meanwhile, Clara still glared at Mei and her heart was so hurt. She hated when someone brought up her lovelife. Especially what happened to her last one. Trying to calm her ass down, she took out her phone and looked at Up10tion's profile. Okay, Jinhoo..... Kuhn...... Wei...... and there's the redhead dude she just judged, Wooshin. Huh a 96-liner? He looks way younger. Hm drawing? Damn that makes us equal. She continued to read, ignoring everyone in the room.

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