Chapter eight

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Love Again

Chapter eight

Niall's POV

I went at starbucks and saw chloe sitting there drinking her coffee and glancing at her phone. I went to her and sit down. She looked at me pissed off. I gave her apologitic look.

"Explaination?" She asked me 

"Sorry babe, I over slept, but I got something for you." She looked at me confusly.

I took out red roses and gave it to her, It were packed into some bunch of flowers, she smiled to me and hugged me and I hold her. 

Me and chloe met at shopping mall, and after that we start to hang out and now we are dating. I still love allie, but now she doesn't love me, so I thought i should move on, and I get to meet this beautiful girl chloe.

We talked for a bit, we were still getting to know each other.

"Chloe, tonight I'm gonna take you on a real date. So I'll pick you at 7." She blushed.

"Yeah sure, but what I should wear?" 

"Um something normal, not like you'll wear a gown or a dress." I laughed and she also started to laugh.

"Ok, can you drop me at my house." 

"Yeah sure, come on let's go." I hold her hand and hopped in car and I dropped her to her house and went to my house.

Allie's POV

Niall was acting weird, I texted him asking what's the matter? Why he left? but he didnt replyed to me, weird. He never do like this. Maybe he got a new girlfriend and he almost forgot his friend. Whatever I don't give a damn.

I went to my room and saw ashley playing with alyssa, I went towards them and started to play with them. She was so adorable and cute. Everything in her resembles ashley just her hairs were like that jerk who broke ashley's heart because alyssa's hair were black and straight and ashley's hair are curly and blond.

 I was still thinking about niall, why he was acting so weird. 

I went outside and took out my phone and went through contacts and called niall. It was ringing and ringing but he didn't picked up. I wonder whats he up to? Whatever I don't care.

Ashley and alyssa came outside, and then ashley said alyssa wants to go to park. I told her we'll leave in an hour. She nodded and took alyssa to room.

I went bathroom to take a shower, and then I wore, pink tank top, black skinny jeans, and white cardigan, with brown sandals. I put my hair wavy and wore white beanie on it and went downstairs.

We arrived at park at 7:30pm and alyssa starts to run towards swings. Me and ashley sit at bench and we started to talk. I told her about niall's weird behaviour. 

"I wonder what he will be doing right now?" Ashley said and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't care, whatever he do, it doesn't matters. He has his own life." I said and she nodded.

"Yeah you're right." 

Alyssa came running towards me, and I sit her down on my lap.

"Allie aunty, I want to eat ice cream." She said to me and I kissed her cheek while giggling.

"Ok sweety, we're going there, ok." I removed her from my lap and then we went to the car and hopped in and went to nearest ice cream parlour.

We all eat our ice creams and then we decide to go to restaurant to eat our dinner and we went.

It was a nice restaurant and wasn't crowded. There were only one couple sitting. I was assuming they were here for a date, I saw a girl and she was pretty but I couldn't see the boy because his back was towards me so I couldn't see but he seems familiar. His voice and his hair. I start to think where I have listen him.

We eat our dinner and we were going in car when I saw niall standing at back of restaurant. I told ashley that I'll be back and I start to go towards niall. As I was going nearer. I saw a girl whom I saw in restaurant but I don't know who she was and other moment what I saw I can't believe it. I stood there numb, I was feeling like my heart will explode and tears were coming in my eyes. I don't know why but 

Niall kissed her..

A/N: Hey guys, thank u so much for reading and voting but I didn't get any comments, now I will be uploading every chapter every monday and thursday, so yeah guys.. I'm still looking forward to comments.. Plz guys I hope you will comment... and the best comment will get next chapter dedication.. so plz love u guys...  you are awesome...!! <3


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