A/N: Hey guys, thank u so so much, for 1.7k I wanted to upload on thursday but I couldn't because of my labtop's battery got dead, so yeah here's chapter 10. Hope you like it!!
Love Again
Chapter ten
I was lying at bed thinking about niall. Its been about an hour since I talked to niall. I was still thinking about his words whatever he said, is it true? Am I falling for him and am I jealous? I've always think about niall as friend then why I tear apart when I saw him at back of restaurant?
My thoughts were intruppted by ashley, who knocked my door, I looked at her, she was standing there with her arms closed to her chest. She came to me and sit beside me.
"What happen al, why are you awake?" She asked me,
"Nothing I was going to sleep." I told her, and she nodded her head.
"I'm assuming you are upset right?" She asked me again, she know me so well.
"No I'm not, don't worry." I stand up and was going to washroom.
"Is it about niall?" I stopped there, and moved back.
"How do you know about it." I asked her, she came to me.
"I don't know anything, you were mad at him for not calling you right. So I just thought that you may be upset about him." I let out breathe, thank god she doesn't know what I was thinking about niall.
"Yeah he called, actually I saw him at the back of restaurant, and he was kissing a girl, so he called an hour ago telling me he is dating someone, I don't know who she is, but finally he got someone." I tried my best not to show ashley that I was upset about it but I can't, I hugged her and cried on her shoulder.
"Allie, what happen? Are you okay?" She pulled apart and asked me, I whipped my tears and nodded yes.
"Why are you crying?" She asked again.
"Nothing, I was just missing alex, seeing niall kissing that girl reminds me of alex, he also used to kiss me. I miss him." I told her lie, because I still wasn't sure about my feelings for niall. She rubbed my back and I told her that I'll go and change. She nodded and went to her room. I changed into pjamas, and went to sleep.
I woke up at the sound of alyssa. She was jumping on my bed, awww that's so cute. I really like kids doing like this. I moved and she was still jumping, I took off cover and make her sit on my lap and then started tickling her, She was laughing uncontrobally. Ashley came into my room, with cup of coffee in her hand drinking.
"Good morning allie," She said to me, I mumbled her morning.
"Where are you going ash?" I asked her, she was ready in really nice outfit.
"Oh, yeah actually I have to go for an interview for my job." I nodded.
"Ok, nice, what about your last job?" I asked her, I really don't know what she did with that.
"Oh I kind of left it," I got shocked and asked why she did it.
"Because allie, I don't want to go there again, I want to live here, with you, niall and everyone. I want to be here, and alyssa also got well with you guys, so yeah."
"Nice, that's great. I'm so happy that I finally got my friend back." We hugged each other.
"yeah me too, I have to go for an interview and I found a really nice flat for me and alyssa, so I'm also going there to buy that flat, so I'll be late, can you please be with alyssa, if you don't mind?" She asked me being embrassed, I kissed alyssa on cheek.
"You don't have to worry, me and alyssa will have fun, yeah alyssa." I asked her, and she gave me high-five.
"Ok then, I'll see you guys in evening." She hugged me and then kissed alyssa also. We both waved her bye and me and alyssa went downstairs and alyssa starts to watch cartoons and me, I took a shower, and wore, black skinny jeans, and pink sweater, with brown sandals. I put my hair in braid and went downstairs to have breakfast. As I was done, me and alyssa watched toy story together. We were eating popcorns and It was so fun.
I was watching with her, when I saw a car parked into parking, I went to see from window and saw niall, I smiled but my smile faded when I saw a girl with her, kissed him on lips. She was the same girl who I saw last night. What the hell? Why she is here?
Hey guys, ok again sorry but It's short, I'm in hurry ok guys, if you want to ask me any questions, you can ask me, there's nothing personal, I will be happy to answer ur questions, it can be anything about story, me or anything so if you want to ask, write the question in comments and I will gave u answer in my next update. I promise. Hope you'll like it, next update will be on wednesday.. Love u guys

Love again (Niall Horan)
FanfictieAllie is 18 year old girl who is engaged to married alex green, but one night everything changed and allie's life is finished and she is getting over it that alex left him and niall being his best friend helps her through this tough life and he also...