Daily Routines

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As you go through life you set up a certain routine for yourself. Every day feels like a continuous cycle of the same old daily routines. You experience life as you've experienced days before. You simply fall into place like a puzzle piece that fits just right. But as you grow older that daily routine starts to change. The puzzle becomes more complicated and the pieces start to reshape and don't fit quite right anymore. You fear that the things that have become the norm will fade away. You fear that life will never be the same. You fear that you won't be able to handle the change. You fear growing up and living an entirely different life than the one you currently hold. But in the end you grow up and one day those things you feared become the norm and the norm becomes your fears. You instead start to fear that you'll always live life the same way, that you'll never have another spontaneous moment ever again, that your life will become this same old boring routine that you can never escape from. You'll live day by day doing exactly what you did the day before as if you've already experienced everything your life has to offer. Even as time is constantly moving, it feels like time has stopped and that time will never start up again. But like I said time never stops moving and neither do our lives.
What I've learned is that even if you live a life of constant repetitiveness, throughout your routine the experiences you go through change even if just by a little. You learn something new each day that changes even the slightest part of you. That continuous cycle will never really ever be exactly the same even if it may feel like it. Throughout our limited life we create these daily norms that at that moment seem to last a lifetime, but in reality changes as we grow older and older. Even as the changes in our norms lessen, we always have a way of putting something new into our lives. So even if the future is unpredictable, scary, or not what we intended, we somehow make the best of it because that's just human nature and the path that we must all walk on throughout our many journeys in life.

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