Edward Cullen v. Harry Potter

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WOO! I'm voting Potter every time! ;) -IsyaBee x


Edward: Hi!! I'm Edward Cullen and I'm the idealistic boyfriend for twelve-year-olds all over the world!! I talk about HEROIN!!

Harry: I'm Harry Potter and I like tea and crumpets.

Edward: ...I have a sexy body! *randomly strips*

Fangirls: OMGGGGGG!!!!!!!111!!!!11!

Harry: ...I have a sexy villain.

Malfoy: (randomly) Potter stinks.

Edward: I've got the perfect girl!

Bella: *drools*

Harry: I've got the perfect best friend.

Ron: *drools*

Edward: ...

Harry: ...

Edward: I'M OBVIOUSLY BETTER THAN YOU!!!!!!!!! ^w^

Harry: ...

Harry: ...

Harry: ...


Edward: agklllp *dies*

Harry: Loser


Just 'cause no-one could reach the link ):


Edward Cullen v. Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now