15 • Flashback

114 12 1

Felicity's POV
I sat in silence as we eat our dinner. Mom,Dad and Lucas talks,just listening to they're conversation "Felicity" Mom called out and I look up from my food,looking directly in her blue eyes "Lucas told me something,that had happened when you got home from school" Mom told,and I get a hold of my anger in front of my mother

"Forget about that. I knew you wouldn't want to talk about the past" I said to her,mom drop her fork and sigh "Sweetie I-" But I cut her off,this is the last draw "Look. All I wanted to know is what happened to me before the accident... I don't want to look at the past. I just really wanna know. Mom. I'm not dumb to ask those questions. I know myself even if I had amnesia.

If you can't tell me everything... Why didn't you just let me die" I raised my voice and stood up,slamming the napkin in the table and went upstairs.

* * *
Next morning,I had no choice but to ride with Lucas to school, no conversation was made. Just silence. I don't wanna talk about everything anyway. There just people who can't tell everything. As we got to school,I quickly make my may inside the school campus

Getting to my locker and get my book,I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turn around to see Harry again. "Hey... About yesterday..." He started and I listen to what will he say

"I apologize to what I quickly said" He blurted and I laughed at him and he knitted his eyebrows "Harry... It's fine... I knew I don't remember anything" I said,rolling my eyes "You mean... You woke up with an amnesia?" He ask and I close my locker

"I did. Mom and Dad and Lucas. Won't bother to tell me what happened before I had an amnesia... Even you. They don't want to tell me who are you in my life" I said and I heard him mumble a 'no wonder'

But of course I pretend that I didn't heard him. But what does he mean?

Harry's POV
As I get to school,I try to find Felicity. I really wanna apologize for my sudden outburst on her saying if she remembers me. I suddenly saw her,getting something in her locker,I then make my towards her and tapped her shoulder "Hey... About yesterday" I said and she faced me "I apologize to what quickly I said" I spoke and she laughed at me and I knitted my eyebrows "Harry it's fine,I knew I don't remember anything" She said rolling her eyes. No one bothers to tell her what happened. Cause her family knows it's my fault.

"You mean... You woke up with an amnesia?" I ask,even though I already knew her condition right now. "I did. Mom and Dad and Lucas. Won't bother to tell me what happened before I had an amnesia. Even you they don't want to tell me who you are in my life" She adds and I all my smile fades "No wonder" I mumbled.

Days has passed,after the car accident. We're packing our things to move out in California. But I never get to see Felicity and I want to see her before I leave. But mom won't allow me

I stared at our graduation picture together. After finishing high school. I'm never keeping this away. Even if Mom told me to. I then heard shouting downstairs and I quickly get my crutches and make my way downstairs

"You son is the reason! My my daughter almost died!" It's Felicity's mother. "Don't blame my son on this!" Mom yells and I break up they're fight "You. I wanted you out of my daughter's life!" Felicity's mother yells as me. What? I can't do that.

"Mrs. Sanders... You know I can't do that" I said,in a polite way and I knew I made her even mad. "Yes. Yes you can! Stay out of my daughter! Alright?! This is all your fault!" She yelled and Mom shuts her up

"Get out of my house! Right now!" She yelled and Mrs. Sanders gave her last words "Get out of Felicity's life. Cause she won't need you anymore once she wake up" And left,Mom rub my back and I sigh

"I qcan't stay out of her life,Mom... I can't"

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