Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

In the Talvok Throne Room

Tavrik leaned back in the cushioned throne surveying the room for anything out of place. He knew that this was a potentially dangerous situation because there could be insurgents just waiting to rally support to place a new candidate on the Talvok Throne. After a moment, he turned his attention to the tiny woman standing to his right. Her face was paled and he saw what looked like sorrow in her pretty green eyes mixed with fear. He smirked at her and returned his attention to the terrified Nobles in chains before him.

If he left the Nobles in power there was much more of a chance of an uprising against his rule; therefore, he was taking the Nobles out of the picture entirely. In addition, these nobles had preyed upon the classes beneath them for far too long and he would not stand for it. His father had trained him that the strength of a kingdom came from it's people and it was the nobility's duty to ensure the happiness of the commoners they served. Nobles that preyed on their people were a detriment to the kingdom and should be removed from a position of power.

"Why is she not in chains standing among us? She is the only royal heir..." The noble woman was cut short as a guard shoved her to her knees before the dais, her burgundy gown puddling around her.

"She is none of your concern. You should worry about your own fate" the prince stated icily and the nobles responded with confusion. Soon that confusion turned to malice and they looked to their Princess.

Princess Fayrn could feel the hateful glares of many of the courtiers as she silently stood by the cruel war prince's side and she let her gaze drop to the floor at her feet. She hated being the center of attention, especially when that attention was so negative. The warrior turned his head towards her, his face remained unreadable as he watched her for a long moment before shaking his head.

"What is her name and title?" Tavrik asked curtly as he looked at the princess and she blinked.

"What?" She asked in confusion, her voice faltering as she looked at him and he scowled impatiently.

"What is her name and title?" He snapped again, pointing at the terrified woman on her knees before them and Fay's eyes widened as she collected herself.

"Lady Rosa, Duchess of Bilenfay" Fayrn answered softly, not daring to meet his gaze and the Shavendral Prince sighed, "A duchess? Has she a husband?" The Princess shook her head and Tavrik nodded.

"General Avontrax, I hear your youngest son has no land to inherit and no wife..." Fayrn cut him off as she shrieked, "No, you cannot do this! She is a woman..." The Prince cut her short as he turned to her with a cold glare.

"She is a war prisoner. Part of the spoils of war and I can do as I please with her" he said coldly, leaving no room for protest and Fayrn flinched away.

"Sire, you are correct" an older Shavendral man said, drawing the attention back to himself, as he eyed the woman who stood beside his prince with interest. Tavrik was not known for his patience or leniency and the woman beside him was testing both.

"I offer up this woman, her title and land, to your son as reward for his service as a commander in the north" Tavrik declared simply and Lady Rosa froze as terror flooded her eyes.

"Thank you, Sire" General Avontrax said with a smile as he bowed to the cruel prince and Fayrn watched Lady Rosa starting to get up. Fayrn knew the woman was going to try and run, but she also knew that could be a death sentence to the duchess.

"Take her away" Tavrik ordered and Fayrn breathed as the guards dragged the woman away kicking and screaming.

Next a man in fine green silk was forced to kneel before the dais and the Prince scowled.

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