Chapter Eight

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A few days later in the Talvok Palace

In the past days, Tavrik had taken complete control of the city and his soldiers were everywhere. Princess Fayrn always had at least two of his personal guard following her wherever she went and when she locked herself in her chambers they stood guard at the door. The Talvok king's execution was scheduled for dawn on the first day of the Summer Solstice Festival and it was to be in the market square or the city for every one to see. The courtiers had been either terrorized into loyalty to the Shavendral crown, stripped of their lands and titles, or sentenced to die along side their king. Fayrn had pleaded for the lives of her courtiers, but the Shavendral Prince refused to spare them. The only ones she have managed to save from death were the women because the Prince had given his word to her no woman or child would be harmed. During these days Fayrn was forced to stand by the cruel Prince's side as he passed judgment on her people, but no one had tried to fight since he had killed the last man. Everyone even some of the Shavendral soldiers tried to steer clear of the war Prince. Nonetheless, the common people of Talvok were glad for the Shavendral presence because Tavrik had immediately lowered the horrendous taxes put in place by Fayrn's father. The Prince may have been a ruthless warrior, but he would be a great king because he knew that if the people were not content they would revolt. If the common people prosper then the kingdom prospers.

Fayrn opened her window and looked down into the courtyard to see Tavrik arguing with another man who looked like he was about to soil himself. Fayrn wouldn't blame the man if he did because her future husband was a soulless monster who would have no qualms about killing the man. Then the princess craned her neck out to try and hear what they were saying, but she only heard a few words that the war Prince yelled, "...Enough! I will deal with them myself..." before he stalked off in the direction of the stables.
Fayrn quickly shut her window as someone knocked on her door and she jumped away from the window.
"My Lady, the Prince has sent for you. I am to escort you to him" a gruff male voice said through the closed door and the small woman opened the door to find a burly man with flaming red hair dressed in light chainmail with a grey tunic emblazoned with the Shavendral dragon crest and a black cloak.
"Who are you?" She demanded firmly as she refused to open the door fully and he blinked in surprise.
He had not expected the woman to be so defiant and he definitely had not expected her to be wearing men's clothing. She was wearing a pale grey tunic with black trousers and brown boots that came up to her knees. Her long hair was pulled back in a braid that reached the middle of her back, but a few strands had escaped and hung about her angular face.
"I am Captain Galikar" he said firmly as he looked at the floor, trying his best to avoid looking at her and she frowned.
She did not know that in Shavendral, women did not ever wear men's clothing because it was considered extremely indecent. Then again Talvok women did not wear men's clothing either, but Fayrn had grown accustomed to the attire working as a healer because wearing a dress on the battlefield was cumbersome and hot. Thus she didn't think anything about her choice of attire.
"Well are you going to stare at the floor or are you going to take me to my fiancé?" She pressed impatiently as she opened the door and the soldier blushed.
He wasn't used to women giving orders.
"He's in the courtyard. Follow me" he said as he turned and started to walk down the corridor, but the princess laughed.
"You're going to wrong way, silly. Follow me" she mused as she stepped into the hall, closing her door behind her, and the man blushed a deeper scarlet as he followed the woman through a series of twists and turns until they ended up in the courtyard.
The moment she stepped out into view half the soldiers in the courtyard gaped at her in disbelief and she frowned.
Why were they gaping at her like she was some mysterious creature?
"Princess, I am... What the fuck are you wearing?" Tavrik yelled in frustrated anger as he sat astride his massive sable battle horse and she frowned at him in confusion.
"Clothing? Is something wrong with them?" She answered hesitantly, looking down at herself perplexed by his reaction to her attire, and the Prince sighed as he raked his fingers through his unruly black hair.
"Never mind. I am leaving for a few weeks to take care of some business, but General Avontrax will be in command until I return. I warn you that if you try to run or cause trouble I will kill every last woman and child in the city. Do you understand me?" He growled coldly and the woman flinched.
"I gave you my word. I will not break it. There is no need to continuously make idle threats of violence to keep me in line" she murmured softly as she looked away from him and he scowled.
"The word of a Talvok means nothing to me. You are all the same: liars and cowards" he spat arrogantly and she glared up at him.
"I am not a liar" she challenged, but before the Prince could respond a man hurried over.
"Sire, the men are assembled and ready" he announced, interrupting the royals and the Prince immediately turned his horse toward the group of me on horseback waiting by the gate. He left Fayrn glaring after him as he rode off and she crossed her arms.
Then an idea popped into her brain... She could sneak into the dungeon and set Gala free. Gala was her best friend, she was not going to let her rot in a dark dank cell for the rest of her life. The only problem was she would have to do it while her future husband was away because she knew that the guards would be less alert in his absence. This meant she only had a very short time to come up with a solid plan and she would only have one chance. If she got caught she knew Gala would be the one to pay the price.

Sorry it is a bit short. I am going to try to make them longer when I get out for break. College life is stressful. Lol. I guess I asked for that when I became a biochemistry major. Lol. Anyways please please comment. What was good? What should be changed? Does it flow well? Please tell me what you think of this chapter. Have an amazing day and thank you for reading.

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