Untitled Part 2

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The picture made Clint smile but also wonder if he would make it out alive, if he would ever be able to see those smiles again. The thought made the smile on his face disappear as he headed to the mess hall, grabbing some food, he really couldn't care less what it was and checking his phone once again. As he took a bite of the mince mix he typed with one hand, shoveling the food in his mouth with the other 'I want some of my coffee', it only took a few seconds for Tony to respond 'Barton your taste in coffee has me questioning my faith in humanity' and Clint snickers "Hey boss, whatcha laughin' 'bout?" Miranda asks, plonking down in front of Clint "a friend who doesn't like my taste in coffee"Clint states and Beachhead answers calmly "he has every right. Cheap, cold, black coffee should be banned" he states.

Ok so Clint's unit was much less formal than most other teams but they've seen much more war than other teams. It was logical that after having to cuddle for warmth, patch each other up in the worst conditions and being tortured together that they'd be close enough not to play the soldier-commander stereotype. They eat in silence after that and when Clint's phone beeps it's loud in their silence but not in the general chaos of the mess hall, Clint offhandedly checks his phone and sees a picture of Bucky sliding down the stairs on Cap's shiels with Cap stumbling after him. Clint laughs quietly "hmmmm that one's cute" fox says and for a second he thinks fox means Bucky, then he sees the eyes firmly trained on Steve's smile "taken" is all Clint says.

Fox lets out a "drat" at that and Clint laughs as he throws his tray into the bin "see you all tomorrow" he says. Day breaks over the dessert and an alarm is sounded right outside Clint's barracks, he'd know that alarm anywhere and had a gun in his hands before anyone could blink. He was up on the roof instantly and scanned for his unit, Daisy was there but she was barking at anyone who dared get close, her master was injured. Miranda was shooting up a storm and also drawing fire like honey draws bees while Fox and Albert sat on the sidelines, right in the residential area. Clint was shooting but everyone around him was falling. A shot and the person at the tower fell. Another shot and Miranda was down.

Clint had just enough time to look through the scope and see a man press a button before the gate, living quarters and armory went up in flames. Three well places IED's in vital spaces not accessible by the public, an inside job, Daisy watched as Clint approached her but did not bark or growl only whined and nudged her owner with her nose. When Clint saw the spray of bullet holes in Beachhead's chest he knew he was down for the count and tried to calm the dog. He petted Daisy and tried hard to keep control of her, losing time while the enemy was closing in on him though he wasn't thinking about that. The dog had to get out. He placed his knife on his arm and cut, cutting out the tracker implanted there, he then texted the group "FUBAR, captured, teammate wearing tracker' before he planted the tracker on Daisy's ear, a slight whine coming from her throat at the pain of the claw grabbing onto flesh as to not fall off.

He ordered the dog to run just as the enemy spotted him and started shooting.

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