Untitled Part 5

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He isn't sure if it's a good thing or not but..Once again Clint was woken up harshly by a slap that drew a raw grunt out of Clint and he saw a man he'd never seen before, well not in person, he knew the military wanted this man dead. Clint planned to make their dreams a reality, he focused hard on reading the man's lips though his head hurt and his sight was slightly blurrier than he was used to. He made out the words 'team' 'dead' and 'disappointment'. His mind instantly flashed back to when he was a young kid still living with his parents and admittedly abusive father and he lashed out without thought. They obviously didn't expect him to have any strength left because he hit the man square in the nose, drawing his fist up in an angle that pushes the broken nose into the brain, instantly killing the person.

The guard on his left tried to rip Clint's arm out of it's socket but Clint didn't allow it, he pulled back, probably tearing a few ligaments that would smart later but it was worth it when he slammed the guards' heads into each other and is left having to support his own weight on caned feet, probably infected as well. He looks down the hall to the exit but instead pulls the last weapon on his person, the dessert eagle, from his side and looks around. He spots the place he was always dragged from after the torture and stumbled his way to the horror movie style door, complete with peeling paint and rusting metal hinges.

He takes a deep breath. Steadying himself for seeing his tormentor once again and checks that his gun is loaded and ready to fire. Once he is happy he bursts from the hallway and kicks open the door, the unlocked closing mechanism breaking under the force of his weight. He has 5 seconds of panic where he spots 20 guard standing around the scientist working on the pain serum and his tormentor. He pulls 10 shots from the cover of the dusted air before it settles and he has to run to the metal table and tip it for cover. He shoots many of the remaining guards but one manages to sneak up on him with a syringe filled with the pain serum and even manages to inject a bit.

The pin prick of the needle alarms Clint and he lashes out with his foot, driving it into the guard's chest and sending the syringe scattering across the floor. The guard makes a desperate attempt to punch Clint but Clint twists his arm so strongly and sharply the bone snaps under the sudden pressure and Clint quickly snaps his neck and stands, using the dead man as a human shield as he runs for the syringe. His side twists painfully when the bullet wound protests the weight suddenly laid on his arms to keep the guy up. He grabs the syringe and draws his side arm, there are only 4 people left in the room including himself, the scientist and tormentor (both of which he wants to keep till a bit later) only one guard left standing which he plants a bullet in with little to no hesitation.

Clint drops the dead man's body, stepping closer to the unarmed tormentors with his gun pointed at their general direction until he stands right by them, he then looks the scientist in the eyes as he aims the gun at his tormentor's leg and deliberately pulls the trigger slowly so the man can wince at the loudness but also see what was coming and do nothing about it "That was for Aiden" another shot to the other leg "Miranda" another shot to the spine, paralyzing the man "This is for Beachhead, not only did you rob me of a teammate but you rid Daisy of her other half, you will pay for that" the last squeeze of the trigger sends a bullet into the man's stomach "you don't deserve a fast death" Clint says, never did he look away from the scientist's eyes, seeing every wince on the man's face and every tear threatening to fall, it distracted him enough not to notice the needle sliding into his skin before a wave of agony washed over him.

Clint yanked himself away from the scientist and saw a last guard with another syringe, he was easily dealt with but the scientist was still staring at the tormentor in horror as the man bled out in front of him. Clint jabbed the syringe into the man's arm and injected the entire syringe, it would kill him slowly since Clint had only half a syringe but there was other prisoners, he had seen them once or twice, a young girl and an old man though lint doubted that the old man was still alive so he rushed down the hallway, looking through small windows in the doors only to see empty rooms.

One room had a dead body that Clint immediately recognized as dead by the fact that his chest was not moving, another had blood on the walls, everywhere like someone had exploded. The one had a small girl huddled in a corner, sobbing in pain. Clint could sympathize with her, the pain serum would wear off though and as Clint kicked in the admittedly strong looking but weak door and picked her up, she screamed bloody murder but was too weak to do anything else. Clint slung the weak girl across his back to piggy back ride him as he looked for an exit. Avengers group;

Clint: rejoined group

Clint: I'm alive

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