Chapter L: Hammer of the Gods

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Riviére stood in front of her full body mirror as she tried on a new white shirt to go along with her skirt. She adjusted her breasts slightly and looked over herself with a mild grin. "Sexy as always," she said with a wink. As she looked in the mirror, she noticed that her hair had gotten much longer. When she started her journey, it had been short. Now, her hair was shoulder length, with the tips of her hair went down to the center of her shoulders. She leaned forward and looked down, examining her figure; she had gotten slightly taller as well, her chest also growing a bit in size. She blinked and looked back at the mirror; her face seemed older as well. She laughed at herself.

"Well, it's been about six months since we started our journey," she said to herself with a giggle. "So much has happened since then," Riviére walked over to her bed and sat down before lying down. She stared up at the ceiling, reminiscing. "After we started our journey, that strange Pokémon attacked Viridian City...Or Pokémon evolved in Viridian Forest after Tatsu angered that swarm of Beedrill," she said to herself. Then, she smiled. "Then we earned our first badges against Brock. I didn't even have to battle; he was so easy. Then we went to Mt. Moon...I don't remember much from that though. Last memory I have after that, we found Alexander." Riviére frowned and turned her head. She sighed heavily.

"We met Bill, then we went on to defeat Misty. Alexander caught a giant Steelix, and then we went to Lavender Tower," she said as she closed her eyes. "We went to Vermillion City after that...Glad I didn't have to actually fight for my badge. I would have gotten my ass kicked. Then we went to the Seafoam Islands with Bill and Todd, and we found Articuno! That was really amazing to see...Then my Wartortle evolved into Blastoise!" She turned her head and looked back at the ceiling. "Then Alexander got arrested for bullshit reasons in Saffron City...I wonder if it is possible for me to get in contact with him...I really miss him," she said with a sad sigh. "I should've asked the Looker while we were in Saffron city if I could have visited with Alexander somehow...I haven't heard anything from him or how he is doing..."

Riviére sat up and tapped her chin. "Let's see, after that...Ugh, we ran into that gang outside the Cycle Bridge. What a bunch of creeps. I'm just happy that Hanako saved us. Tatsu was in bad shape after those bastards jumped him. After that, she taught us chakras...Then we went to the Safari Zone and got attacked by Team Rocket again...I battled Janine shortly after and won my fifth badge. We returned to Saffron City afterwards, and all sort of crazy stuff happened. The Silph Co. got taken over by Team Rocket, and we all got our asses handed to us by Sabrina," she turned toward her dressed and looked at her badge case and her three Poké Balls. She picked them up and held the three balls in their collapsed forms and smiled. "I am happy to have three amazing Pokémon. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world...," With a small sigh, she stood up and grabbed her purse from the table. She slipped the balls into them, as well as her badge case, and slung the string around her shoulder. She closed her bedroom door behind her and saw Tatsu and Hanako in the living room with Bill and Todd. As she approached, their attention turned to her. "Sorry for keeping you."

"Oh, it's quite fine! We have plenty of time!" said Bill.

"So, you're positive that Zapdos is going to show up?" asked Tatsu, a little unsure of the plan. Riviére glanced over at Tatsu and looked him over. He too had grown up a bit; his hair was longer, and his face more defined. He was starting to get a little facial hair too, though still too thin to grow anything respectable. His shoulders grew a little broader as well, and got slightly taller.

"According to legend, Zapdos can be seen during large thunderstorms. The workers at the Power Plant that I interviewed all said that on stormy days, you can see a Zapdos," replied Bill.

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