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My eyes flutter open to see the growingly familiar cement ceiling. I yawn and plush myself off of the cot, looking around. I'm still in my outfit from yesterday after my shower. My clothes did get washed.

Today Beth is supposed to show me some jobs, and teach me to cook squirrel meat. Sounds gross to me, but I guess times have changed.

I stand up and tie my beaten down Adidas on my feet, and make my way out of my cell and to the ground floor of the cellblock. A woman with very short gray hair is returning clothes to cells. I hate to interrupt her, but I'm starving and I haven't had food since before I arrived here.

"Um, excuse me?" I say shyly. She jumps and turns to me, smiling.

"Hello, Ray." she smiles faintly. She seems fragile, and gentle.

"Um, is there any way I could maybe eat? Beth hasn't come to get me yet and-"

"Oh, sure. Just let me finish returning these clothes and I'll see what we got." she says sweetly, before returning to her task at hand.

"Thanks," I mumble before jogging back up the steps. Being stuck in a boring cellblock is.. well, boring. I feel like a prisoner anyways.

I walk in my cell and plop on my cot, looking around. I wish I could do something productive.

I let my body fall on its back, fingers twitching slightly, as if begging for something to do.

"Ray? Are these clothes yours?" Carol appears in my cell. I sit up to examine them and nod, immediately recognizing the faded bloodstains on my baggy jeans, and the black T-shirt. (That's pretty much all I wear.)

I smile and nod, standing to take the clothes. "Thanks." I say, before shoving them back in my bag.

"You know, some people fold 'em and lay 'em on top of the desk. The drawers are pretty deep, too." she says kindly. I thank her again, before exa!mining the little desk. I really don't like putting them in my bag when I'm not on the move.

I pull out the drawer on the lefthand side of the desk, examining its depth. It's about six inches deep, maybe five. Somewhere around there. For the two black t-shirts and two pairs of pants, along with the black shirt and shorts I'm currently wearing, this should be fine. I fold up my pants first, laying them neatly on the bottom. Then, my two black shirts. There is about enough room for the outfit I'm wearing, but obviously, one outfit will always be missing. Once my bag is emptied of clothes, except two pears of underwear (I have three), I decide those can go in the drawer on the right.

I fill that drawer with, obviously, my underwear, two pairs of socks, and a few other random items like a box of tampons and a brush.

That ends my unpacking. I throw my bag under the desk and resume my position on my cot, praying Beth will arrive soon. Footsteps coming up the stairs draw my attention. I sit up again, watching the entrance to my cell, which is soon occupied by Carol, holding a bran bar and a bottle of water. "Here you go." she smiles.

"Thanks, I'm starving." I smile, before opening the bran bar, and devouring its blandness. I wash hit down with a swig of water.

"Beth should be in here to get you soon, she was helping Carl with something." she says faintly, before leaving me on my own. Well, I guess that's good news.


Soon, Beth comes to my cell. "Sorry, I had something to take care of." she explains, offering her now signature smile. I let a small smile cross my lips as well, insisting that it's no big deal.

Remains Of Ray (TWD Fanfic) [Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now