Chapter 22

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*Holly's POV*

After Zayn asks me about Destiny, I tell him to ask her. I knew she would kill me if I told anyone about her past. 

I return to my bunk and try and fall asleep. I toss and turn I sigh and get back up and grab a jacket and a pair of shoes before putting them on and slipping outside of the bus. I lean against the side of it and take a deep breath before setting out along the sidewalk. I kick a stray pebble with my feet. I start getting too concentrated with the game that I don't pay attention to where I'm going before I bump into someone.

The hard impact of his chest made me fall to the ground and land on my bum. I groan a little and look up at the stranger.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going..." He offers me a hand as he apologizes. I gratefully accept as I stand up, rubbing my sore bum.

"Are you ok?" He asks me. He was wearing a leather jacket and his hair was spiked up in a small quiff. He reminded me of Zayn but he was much cuter... 

"Ya, I'm fine. Sorry I ran into you. It was my fault." I quickly say as I go and walk around him to continue walking down the street. I hear him say,


I turn back around as I see him jog back to where I was. I raise an eyebrow at him before he says,

"What's a pretty girl like you walking around here at night? Going anywhere?" He asks me. I blush at the compliment. I don't get why everyone thinks I'm so pretty... I am NOT pretty...

"I'm just going for a walk. I needed the fresh air." 

"M-maybe I could walk with you. I mean, to keep you company?" He asks me. I look into his eyes, searching them. They were a soft brown but they were beautiful. I was slightly hesitant about him. After the note and the skype call I have been on edge with everyone lately. Not really trusting anyone I don't know very well. 

"Um, sure. I guess." I respond, finally deciding. I could really use the company, and besides I could kick his butt easily if anything went wrong.

He smiles before linking arms with me as we stroll in the opposite direction. We chat as we walk aimlessly through the town. I learned that his name was Austin and that he was 18. He came here from university to live in his own flat.

He was actually quite nice and intelligent. I couldn't help but smile the whole time he was talking. I was in the middle of telling him a story of my both embarrassing moment in school before I was interupted by my phone ringing.

I look at the caller ID to see it was Destiny. I answer the call, prepared for the scolding I would get for not telling anyone where I was. 


"HOLLY EMILY WILLIAMS. Where on earth have you been? The boys and I have been worried sick and you haven't been responding to our texts until you finally answer now!"

I nearly drop the phone after her loud outburst right into my ear. Austin raises an eyebrow with an amused glint in his eyes.

"Dessie I'm fine. I'm just going on a walk. I didn't think that you would worry so much. It wasn't going to be this long until I met... a friend." I bite my lip and look over at Austin to see if he was okay with the term already. He didn't seem to care as he leans against the brick wall we were standing next to.

"Ugh... fine. Just tell me next time. Text me when you are getting close so I can let you into the bus."

"ok, byee!" I said before hanging up.

"Sorry about that," I apologize before we continue walking.

"It's fine." he says.

We walk in a comfortable silence before his phone buzzes. He reads the text before typing a few words and sending it.

"I'm not the only one who has friends that are worrying. I should be heading back and you should do the same. It's gettting late. I'll walk you back if you want." He chuckles.

I nod at his offer before we start walking.

When we are near the bus we exchange numbers and hugs. I thank him and wave goodbye as I jog over to the bus. Dessie lets me in as I watch Austin disappear as he turns a corner.

"Who was that?" Destiny asks me.

I tell her everything before she finally let's me go to sleep. I get all comfortable in my bunk as I can get, before my phone buzzes.

Austin:)- GoodnightHope you sleep well.

I smile before responding.

Holly xx- Goodnight! Thanks for the stroll. xx

I put my phone under the pillow before drifting off to sleep. To say I slept soundly would be a lie. Nightmares similair to the one I had before clouded my thoughts as I was trapped in the darkness of my thoughts that wouldn't let me walk down the enjoyable path to my peaceful dreams and memories.

Heeyyy twinkies! I have decided to call you that now instead of shining stars. haha not sure why. :P I hope you liked the chapter and that it was long enought for you. Sorry I haven't updated in a while but summer has surprisingly been keeping me busy. :)

Anywhoooo what did you think about Austin? Sorry there wasn't any 1D in the chapter but I felt the need to introduce a new character. Picture of who Austin looks like on the side.


~Gracie xx :)

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