Chapter 10

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Yay! I am updating! Consider this your late Valentine's Day present... :D I love you all! Enjoy the chappie! Byeee my sunshines!


Question: What hair color do you have? (Sorry I'm random... But I have brown hair!)

*Holly's POV*

We get to go shopping! Yay! Unlike Dessie, I am fine with shopping. When Dessie hears we are going to go shopping she starts running to the bunk.

I run after her and tackle her to the ground. 

I told her that we have to go shopping so we can look our part as stylists. I push her towards Harry, who throws her over his shoulder. 

Dang, Harry must be strong....

When we get into the car, Dessie avoids everyone. Let the silent treatment begin... Luckily I know how to cheer her up!

I tell Niall my plan and nods with a smile. 

"One... two... THREE!" I scream.

"What the..." Paul says giving me a curious look.

I ignore it and run straight at Dessie with Niall. We pick her up and start running down the street.

"Oi! Niall! Holly! What the hell are you doing?" Zayn says, chasing after us along with the rest of the boys.

We keep running until we reach... THE ICE CREAM SHOP!

"YAY! ICE CREAMMMM!" Dessie screams, struggling out of our grasp and skips into the store like a little kid.

"I knew that was going to work..." I said to Niall.

"Yup. Now, if you excuse me... ICE CREAM!" He screams, literally dragging me into the shop. 

Oh Niall... He's so adorable... WAIT WHAT? What the heck was in those pancakes earlier this morning...

After we get our ice cream we all head back to the mall to face an angry looking Paul and Liam. Of course Daddy Directioner would be mad...

We all smile and Dessie gives me an evil smirk. 

"Dessie... No..." I said backing away from her...

She runs up and sticks her ice cream cone in my face.

"HAH! PAYBACK!" she said and starts dancing around.

*Niall's POV*

Dessie just did payback to Holly. Is this some prank war that goes on forever?

Holly starts laughing and wipes off the ice cream with a napkin. She still had a little bit of ice cream on her lips. I wish I could just kiss her to get the ice cream off like in those movies... WHAT? What the hell am I thinking? What was in those pancakes earlier this morning... 

We all start shopping and come back to the bus with bags of clothes for the girls. Dessie was fine after she had her ice cream.

Tomorrow we were leaving! Hurray!

*Holly's POV*

After we finished shopping we went home. Dessie and I decided to put away our thousands of bags of clothes. They boys were out getting take-out.

"So... What do you think of the boys?" I ask her.

She shrugs and folds up one of the green shirts.

"I think they're pretty fun. What about you?"  she answers.

"I like them. I think this is going to be fun!" I said. I finished my last bag of clothes and sat on my bed. 

"I agree" she said as she joined me on the bed.

"WE'RE BACK!" Louis screams. 

"You guys guess what! You're on the tele with us!" Liam shouts. 

We look at each other with the same shocked expressions. WHAT?

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