Chapter 1 (Prologue)

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Your POV

"Y/N! Y/N! Wake up!" I felt someone shook my shoulders violently, I opened my eyes and I met a distressed pair of blue eyes.

"What? What is happening?" I asked my girlfriend, the alarms are going off, I quickly wore a black shirt over my tank top and wear my fatigue pants and combat shoes.

"We are under attack" my girlfriend said.

"What? How come?" I asked her.

"Its not from the outside, its from the inside" she said while she was hastily putting some clothes weapon and food inside her back pack.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"We are attacked by a zombie" she said facing me, a scared expression was written on her face, I looked at her like she have two heads.

"Are you high or something? Or you just watched too many TWD episodes" I said as I finished putting my knifes, guns, clothes and foods on my bag and put it on my back.

"No! I am not high! What am I saying is true, remember the corpse they found and they tried to study? It came to life and bit the doctor who was studying it and he became a zombie too and began to bit every person he sees and they all became like him, including your parents" she said and I stared at her in disbelief.

"That's not true" I said and the door shook like it was being breached.

"They are here" Jessie said and we pointed our guns towards the door, then it was now breached and four zombies in a lab coat and in a uniform entered the room. I automatically fired my gun, I hit them every parts of their body but they kept running towards us. Two of them was my parents.

"Shoot the head!" I heard Jessie yelled and I shoot their heads and then they are dead.

I breathe heavily, Jessie was also panting.

"I can't believe that TWD came to life" Jessie said while me, I am still in the state of shock.

"Let's get out of here" I said then we ran, we saw a horde of zombies eating one of our team mate, he is crying for help as the corpse tearing him apart, I saw how the zombies tear his intestines from his stomach, I wanted to vomit.

Jessie and I ran and we saw another horrible scene, we saw the tech guy being teared apart from the chest, I just look away when our eyes met and he mouthed help.

And zombies started to come after us we shoot them down until we reached the car, when we entered the car, I started the engine and drive as fast as I can and just rammed on the zombies that's on our way.

We just drive and then stop over to the street, I got out and took a deep breath.

"What the heck was that?!" I asked my girlfriend who was standing beside me now.

"I don't know either, I just woke up also from the sound of the alarm" she said and then sighed then we heard a noise and it alerted us, we pointed our gun from the noise and I saw two zombies I shot them and they are already down then I heard the shriek of my girlfriend and there a zombie was on her back, she's already bitten on the arm.

I shot the zombie dead then ran to the side of my girlfriend.

She is now shivering.

"Hun, are you okay?" I asked her.

"No, l-listen here Y/N, I-I'm bitten by a z-zombie, y-you must kill m-me now before I h-hurt y-you" she said tears in her eyes.

"No, no, no you can't die, you're all I have now Jessie, there's have to be a cure" I said crying.

"No, there's no cure Y/N, you have to shoot me on the head now because I don't want to die a monster, please Y/N, set m-me free" she said as she hand me her gun. I took the gun and I stared at her, tears covering my eyes, I saw her smiled lovingly at me and it hurts, I pointed the gun at her, my hand was shaking then I saw her mouthed I love you and I pulled the trigger, I looked away crying like a baby, it really hurt to know that I killed my own girlfriend, I dared to stare at her beautiful face and there's no sign of struggling she looks so peaceful.

I took her dogtag and kissed her forehead.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered to her.

I put her bloody dogtag on my pocket and stood up, I saw the zombies coming towards me again and I shoot them down when I took them all down, I carried the lifeless body of the love of my life and put it on the backseat, she deserves a decent burial after I set her on the backseat I went on the driver seat and drive the car.

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