Sorry guys...

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Sorry guys but I'll get bit delayed for not moving on.. What moving on? Let me show you..

The picture at the top is our Dog 'ROCKY' and the other side is Jaymie or AKA KawaiiCandyCakes Well Today ((12/2/15)) After School My Mom said that our Dog 'ROCKY' Died... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

And sorry Guys I can't moved on plus it just happend today IDK If my mom or dad our just joking us or its true really.. I just hoped you guys understand and Pls If you want to Help me Just Type
#PrayForRocky That would be helpful to me to moved on that he is gone well This is the first Christmas that rocky wasn't with us...


See you on the next part!


Jessica's Book of Random Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora